Bed Rest

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•H/C: Hair Color
•E/C: Eye Color
•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

Phil's strong arms hold my limp body close to his, releasing soft breaths near my ear, which was oddly comforting to me. I feel like I'm made of jello, so I doubt I can even stand. That panic attack was just awful. It shook me up pretty badly. With a shaky breath, I nestle my face against his chest as stray tears dampen his leather coat. I can't even lift my arms to wipe them away. All my energy is focused on stopping the room from spinning.

"Feeling any better?" His deep voice was laced with concern, which sent my heart fluttering, but I am far from fine. With an aching neck, I shake my head against him, causing the male to let out a small sigh in response before leaning back a bit to lift my chin. My tired eyes meet his cerulean orbs that stare at me in pity as his gentle fingers push loose strands of hair from my face. "I can clean the store for you. Would that make you happy?"

"Y-You don't," I croak before clearing my throat. God, my voice sounds awful, and I can hardly speak above a whisper. "You don't have to." He gives me a small smile while cupping my left cheek.

"Close your eyes." I would've asked why, but I didn't have the energy to fight him on it, so I do as he commands. Phil cautiously slips away, making sure I'm in a stable position on the desk before walking elsewhere in the room. I plant my hands behind me, causing my weak arms to shake from the weight I put on them, and focus solely on not falling off the counter. Every now and again, I'd hear sounds from different sections of the store, but it was odd because they'd simultaneously some from both the left and the right.

I ignore it, though, knowing it's not important. All I should be worried about is getting my strength back. A few moments pass before the noise stops and a hand is set on my shoulder. Breath tickles my right ear, sending a pleasant tingle down my spine. "You can open them now."

Dark lashes part to reveal E/C orbs that meet my friend's face, which holds a small smile. He moves aside to reveal what he had done to fix the place. Obviously, there are products that can't be salvaged, like the fabrics that were ripped off some of the dresses, but, at least, the mannequins were picked up and any toppled toys and clothes were put back on the shelves and racks. I was in awe at how quickly he was able to clean everything up. I turn to the dark-haired man whose lips form a gentle, yet proud, smile on his face, likely due to my amazed reaction, but, then, the smile dropped.

"I assure, you needn't worry about those children anymore. I made sure that they'll never bother you again." He wipes away the tear tracks wetting my cheeks, and I can't help but lean into his touch, though, after examining his words, I immediately thought the worst and pull away with wide eyes.

"Y-You didn't-" I tremble at the very thought of him killing those teens. Sure, they were terrible, but to kill them... especially over me. The thought made me sick. "D-Did you?" A sudden chuckle erupts from the man, filling me with confusion. It was not of evil origin, but he did sound amused. I watch as he takes my hand in a tender grip and rubs the back of it with his thumb to bring me comfort.

"Don't think so badly of me, Y/N. That is something I'd never do unless you specifically asked me to do it," he assures, but his explanation gave me little relief.

'Would he really kill someone simply because I asked him to?' Just the thought of holding that sort of power frightens me. I can only imagine the sort of people who'd abuse that ability, after all, who can find an invisible man? I relax, nonetheless, knowing the teens are still alive. I have no reason to distrust him.

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