Panic Attack

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The lid of a container holding homemade Caesar salad makes a light popping sound upon being opened. I set it down on my work desk before reaching into the pocket of my black pants to pull out my cell phone, which is protected by a sky blue phone case. I'm in the mood to talk to someone during my lunch break, someone who'll actually respond to what I say that is, and who better to text than my awesome boyfriend, Clyde? It's unlikely that I'll be bothered by any customers, considering I've turned the sign on the front door to read closed like I usually do on my lunch breaks. I'm the only one working here after all, and I'd rather not stress out about fitting in the time to eat while waiting on customers. I stab my fork through a piece of lettuce and a crouton before bringing it to my lips to eat as I message Clyde with one hand.

'Hey! What u up 2?'

After the text is sent, I set the device, screen-up, on the counter before fully enjoying my lunch as I wait for his response. The mysterious male sitting on the desk stares at me in the corner of his eye, while his royal blue orbs are partially sealed by his eyelids. I notice this when I go to take a sip from my water bottle and smile before pulling out a honey crisp apple from my bag. I hold the delicious fruit out to the dark-haired man, expecting him to take it. He turns his head towards me more while taking the apple from my hand.

The man takes one large bite out of it before setting it at his side to finish off later. It isn't uncommon for me to share my meal with the strange figure, since I started doing it after noticing I've never seen him eat. Honestly, he worries me sometimes. Even when I do give him something, he eats it slow, but at least he's never declined an offering. It makes me wonder if he even has to eat, though.

If he really is a ghost, I suppose his lack of appetite makes sense, but he still eats without question. Oh well. I'll only give myself a headache pondering over what he is. I'm starting to doubt I'll ever know the truth about him. Maybe it's for the best. My thoughts get disrupted when my phone releases patterned vibrations to alert me of an incoming call. I look down at the device and am surprised to see it's Clyde calling.

'Odd? He could've just texted.' I shrug it off and answer the phone, bringing it up to my ear. A light smile graces my lips as I greet my most favorite person in the world. Clyde has been with me through the worst of days and the best of them too, which is what I love about him. He's kind and caring...but why do I sense that something is off?

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