Chapter 4: Forgiven.

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Kwenzokuhle's POV

After she leaves we are pretty much shocked at what she said. I get that she didn't want to say anything to us but she didn't have to be so rude and snap at us like it's a wrong thing to be concerned. I thought I was rude for saying what I said yesterday but she takes the cup.

"That was not what i expected." says Khulekani. "Nobody expected it." I mumble. "Maybe she's going through that time of the month. My sisters can be torturous when its that time of the month so don't take it too heart." says Kagiso. "If you say so then." It's something more deeper than periods I just don't know what it is.

"Anyways i don't like her so I'm glad she's gone. I feel suffocated when she's around." says Dylan. "It's only been a day Dylan. You'll get used to her." says Tristan. "Nope she's a bit too much." I mentally roll my eyes. "What do you mean by that?" "I mean exactly that and i feel like she's got something to hide." I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

The bell rings which tells us break is over. I check my timetable to see which class I have and it's Maths. I stand up and we go our separate ways.

I get inside class and sit at my desk. The others haven't arrived yet so its just me. I use this time to check my messages and i come across a message I don't want to answer. I don't know why he texts me during school hours.

Boss: Have you gotten the stuff yet?
Me: Working on it.
Boss: You better hurry up time is ticking and people are becoming impatient.

I leave his message on read and put my phone away. I don't know why i keep doing it but i am and its starting to eat me up. I wish I never got myself involved in this. If i was to tell someone about my situation they would try to convince me to walk away but it's not easy walking away cause I can risk losing my family at a blink of an eye and i can't imagine life without them and knowing that it's my fault that they gone will just make me live with guilt and baggage I'm not willing to carry by myself.

The class starts filling up and I lean my head against the wall and try to calm myself down. I don't know why the fight that happened earlier is bothering me. I think I'm hallucinating. I don't even know this girl and i was rude to her yesterday and now I'm busy obsessing over the fact that she doesn't consider us her friends.

I won't lie it hurt a bit when she said that but then she wasn't necessarily wrong when she said we are bench mates cause thats what we are. We not even that close to reach a friend title. She walks in and some guys are starring at her and that gets me annoyed a bit.

Why I'm annoyed i don't know or maybe I'm stressed about how I'm going to get things done this afternoon without getting caught? "I don't know why you guys are starring at me as if it's your first time seeing a girl walk in class." she says and they all snap out of their mini trance.

She is beautiful I won't lie hence the many stares. I don't know if she knows the reason why they starring or she's acting oblivious but judging by the confrontation I think she knows. I'm surprised she isn't those ones that like enjoying being in the spotlight and they start parading around once they start catching attention of a few people.

She ignores me and sits at the desk in front of me. I want to ask her why she snapped but my mouth won't move. The teacher comes in and i take out my book. Hopefully I don't get distracted in this lesson. Anyways I need to focus on maths this year since its my weakest suit.

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