Chapter 60: New beginnings.

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Phiwokuhle's POV

"Are you ready to go back to school?" asks mom. "I can never be ready but I guess I have to do it right." I answer. "It will be okay nana." "So the story that you told me that other night was actually true?" "Yes it was." "Who did it?" "It doesn't matter who did it. All that matters is that I made it and i didn't let the situation define me. You are surrounded by people that love and care for you. We all want to see you happy again and that's all that matters."

"Okay ma." I say. "The police updated me with the case and the trial will start January." she says. "I don't want to testify." "There will be no need for you to testify nana." I nod. "Did they release him?"  "No he will be in custody until the trial begins." I sigh a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry he will never harm you or any other girl." she says. "Okay." I say. "Lets go eat the wonderful breakfast I made for all of you." I smile. I stand up and take my bag and we walk out. I greet the others and i sit on the bar stool. "Nileli kanjani?" I ask. (How did you sleep?)  "Sileli kahle wena." answers Phiwokwakhe. (We slept well and you.) "I slept okay."

Mom dishes up for all of us and we thank her and start eating. "I can't believe this is the last term." says Mandisa. "This year has been an interesting year for all of us." I say. "We've laughed, cried and laughed some more and definitely cried a lot more." says Phiwokwakhe. "There were more tears than laughter for me." "We here for you."

"Thank you I appreciate it. I'm sorry if I was a mood spoiler at the trip." I say. "You weren't a mood spoiler at all. We understand that you needed your space and we failed at giving you the space you needed and for that we sorry." says mom. "It's okay." "Let this new term be filled with blessing and light." "Amen to that." says Musa.

We finish eating our food and the transport hoots and my siblings take their bags and leave. I put the dishes in the sink and i take my bag. "Did your dad send the money?" she asks. "Yes he did." I answer and she nods. You know that guy called to check up on me and asked if it's true but I just dropped the phone cause I don't want to hear from him. "Okay go to school then. Have a good day." "Thank you ma you too." I give her a hug and leave.

I hail for a taxi and it stops. I get inside and it drives off. "Phiwokuhle is that you." says a familiar voice. I look to my side and I see Omphemetse. "Hey." I greet. "Unjani?" (How are you?) "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila. I've missed you so much." (I'm good too.) "I missed you too." "So you live around this area?" "Yes I do." "Now I know. I'll be popping by for a sleepover soon." I giggle.

"We should link up soon just to catch up." I say. "Yes we should. How were the prelims?" she asks. "They were okay but we shall see with the results if they were okay. Wena." "They were good. I have a feeling i did well but like you said we shall see with the results." We chuckle. "We'll talk on the phone and plan our meet up." "No problem love."

I shout short left and it stops. "Have a good day love." she says and i smile. "Ngiyabonga you too." I say and she smiles. (Thank you.) I get off the taxi and close the door. I look at the building in front of me and i sigh. This is it. I can do this. I get inside the gates and i spot Ayesha by the tuckshop. I couldn't visit her when I got back because we went to my grandmother's and we stayed there and only came back yesterday.

I hug her from behind and she chuckles. "I missed you too." says Ayesha. She turns around and gives me a proper hug and kiss. "Unjani?" I ask. "Ngiyaphila wena." "Nami ngiyaphila." She enterwines my hand with hers and we walk to our area. We get there and i sit on her lap. I massage her scalp and she sighs. "I missed this and you." I chuckle. "Me too."

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