Hospital visit (Wed)

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I kissed Deven goodbye, May giggled in the backseat.

"Remember, my phone is on and I'm always ready to come get you," Deven pulled away slightly, whispering, looking deep into my eyes.

I smiled and nodded, then leaned forward and kiss him one final time.

"I love you Dev," I mumbled.

"I love you too. I'm always here," he grinned.

Deven let go of the steering wheel and ran his fingers through my hair, then slid them down my jaw and to my chin.

"You got this," he whispers.

I smiled and turned to May in the backseat.

"Take care of your brother for me, okay?" I ask and give her a wink. Maiya twist and turn in her seat excited for the day, nodding and grinning at the request. "If you're good I'll get you a VB later, alright?"

"I will, I will!"

I look back to Deven. He kisses my cheek and I finally made my way out of the car and into the hospital. I took a few deep breaths before opening the door to my mothers hospital room. When I open the door I see she's holding the hand of my stepfather, she's smiling weakly and he's frowning. I take one final deep breath and step inside, I shut the door and they glance at me.

"I thought it was only you and I?" I ask and swallow.

"Yes, it is... but, I wanted to tell you the truth," she gives me a grin and waves me over. "You want the truth, and I'm ready to give it to you. What more do I have to lose?" I sigh and step forward, I sit in the chair opposite her husband. "I don't even know how to start, haha."

"Mom, just tell me the truth."

She frowns and grabs my hand. Her hand is more frail than it was before. Only skin and bones, she's practically a mummy.

"Your father and I were in love. We were in love when we had your sister, we were in love when we had your brothers, we were in love when we had you. But, stress and life got in the way, and we just fell out of love. It's not what you want to hear, but we both weren't faithful."

My eyes squinted in disgust. My father was a cheater? I knew all along about my mother... but my father?

"No... you're kidding?"

"He was on tour, and he was on break with his friends and they went to a club. He slept with this girl a few times, and he kept contact with her after. At the same time, I wasn't faithful either. I met Ben. He asked me out on a date, I was upset about missing your father, and I don't know what I was thinking. I said yes. We spent time together, things happened, and we kept in contact. Your father and I, we decided to stay together only to raise you 4, but we weren't in love anymore... I'm sorry you are finding this out now, but when we both shared our unfaithfulness we split up. When he passed I was already in love and dating Ben, for 2 years at the time. Of course I was sad about your father. Never in a million years would I have wanted what happened to him, but there's no changing what happened. I never cried in front of you, I tried to stay out together. He was the one who brought you and your siblings into this world, of course I missed him, I just didn't love him anymore, and he didn't love me. And that's okay, it happens. I'm just sorry I never woman'd up and told you the truth."

I stayed quiet, in shock of finally knowing the truth. My hand slips from hers as I stand, I step away from the bed and walk to the door. I feel my body moving but my head is blank, I open the door and step out, my hand already digging through my pocket for my phone. I automatically call Deven, just to hear his voice, just to ground myself, just so I dont run to the nearest gas station and buy cigs.

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