You make me happy (sun)

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It's a little past 4:30.

I push Deven against the wall and pull him into a hard kiss. It hasn't even been 4 hours since we last kissed, but I've been waiting for this. He immediately kisses back, but only for a few seconds before he pulls away, bitting on my lip a little as he did.

"Lovely surprise, really, but what was that for?"

"I missed you."

He's hesitant, but asks "Are you okay Max?"

"Yes, I'm better now, promise."

"Alright, you okay to go?"

I nod, then pull him into a softer kiss. It was just a longer peck than anything else, and I was more than okay with that.



"An amusement park?"

"Mmm, what's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, just haven't been in a while."

"You aren't scared of them, are you?"

"Hell no, I love this stuff."

"Great, then let's go."


"No, definitely the tallest last."

"Nah, the fastest is best last."

"Who told you that?" I laugh.

"Myself," he laughs too.

"Okay, then let's start with..." I look back at the board with the rides on it. "Somethin in the middle. Timberwolf?"

"Perfect," he grabs my hand and we walk over. "You know why I brought you here now?"


"It's a haunt."


"It's a festival for Halloween. You good with jump scares?"

"Of course I am," I laugh.

No, I'm not.

"Alright, then I know something to do later on."

"Just great."

He laughs, I can't help but smile as we walk along. As long as I'm with him I'm okay.

"How did you not know it was haunted? It's seriously Halloween night in here!"


We walk into a path of complete fog, you can't even see 2 feet infront of you. The sun is starting to set, but it's dark because they have black cloth draped over us like a canopy. The only lights are the small colored ones along the pathway.

I gasp and jump forward as I hear someone growl in my ear. I turn around to see a guy in a weird demonic pig costume reaching an arm out to me. I sigh out as he slowly backs away then scares a kid that starts laughing.

"Thought you didn't mind it?"

"I don't, just shocked me. I'm fine with anything but clowns."

"Clowns?" He raises an eyebrow amused.

"Yes, clowns. When I was little I was left alone at an event kinda like this, my mother was too busy trying to hook up with a guy, and my siblings were all on a ride I couldn't be on. Let's say I ran into some clowns, didn't go well for me."

"Hmm, alright, that's good to know. Come this way," he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me onto a different path, one that's not covered in fog. One that shows the wonderful sunset, all the amazing high and fast rides, the little booths full of merchandise or food. It's a peaceful path, I like this one. "After the one, we were just in there was a station of just clowns."

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