I Dont Remember (Sat)

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I wake up to a nice smell entering my room. I groan out as I feel cold and I feel my head pounding at the light in my eyes. I turn over, finding that I feel incredibly weak. I pull the blankets up over me more, then shove my head under my pillow.

"Max" I hear Ronny at my doorway. I flip him off, then cower back under my blanket. "Maximilian Steven Hall, get the hell up."

I ignore him using my full name, even though it bugs the hell out of me. I hear footsteps, then a bottle shake next to the pillow. I snatch the bottle, remove the pillow and look at it. Advil.

"Thanks..." I mumble out then take 2 and then pop in a third.

"Mhmm, now, get out here."

"Ronny, I don't feel like moving."

He feels my forehead then groans out. "Dude, you have a fever."

"What? Why?" That doesn't make sense.

"You ran out in the rain dumbass, your lucky Deven even went after your ass."

"I can't remember that."

"You were drunk."

"Scold me later, let me sleep. What time is it?"


"You woke me up at 10 when I have a hangover? What's a great friend."

"Dude, I woke you up so you could get ready for work."

"I'm calling a sick day, go."

"Sorry Angel, we ain't leaving just yet."

"Go away Deven, fuck off Ronny," I put the pillow back over my head.

I hear a chuckle, then a sigh from another person. I don't know who.

"Max, you don't remember yesterday?"

"No, should I? This killer of a hangover, I don't wanna know."

He laughs, then Ronny and Deven start whispering. I grab the pillow next to me, and throw it at them, with as much strength as I have left.

I feel a hand crawl under the pillow on top of my face and feel my forehead. "Yeah, Ronny's right."

I swat the hand away, keeping my eyes closed.

"Cold?" He asks, I nod. "Feel weak?" I hum. "And a fever. No doubt about it, you sick."

"Thanks, Sherlock, you are a lot of help."

"I made my famous pancakes, and you need to gain back some strength. Sit up, I'll bring you some."

I don't want to comply, but I'm too tired to resist. Also, I'll never miss an opportunity to eat Devens pancakes. I sit up and glared at nothing in particular. He chuckles and walks out. I pick up my phone, telling Siri to call "idiot boss". He picks up soon after.

"Hey, calling in sick today. Woke up with a killer headache, I'm freezing, weak, and got a fever. I can't make it even if I wanted to because I'm weak."

"You ain't lying?"

"Can't throw a proper punch, even if I could it wouldn't do shit."

He hums, then groans out a fine and he'll find someone else. I thank him, and end the call, telling my phone to call "Tess"

"Guessing your calling in because of a hangover?"

"Yeah, and I managed to catch myself a good cold as well"

"Probably from-"

"Running out in the rain. Heard it already, anyway, I'm good or not?"

"Your good. Get better, I expect you here tomorrow."

"I will, cya Tess."

"Cya Babe." She hangs up, I sigh and set my phone back down on the wireless charger.

"Babe?" Deven asks walking in.

"She's called me that for years, nothing's happening between us though. I don't question why she does it, but I know it's just a stupid nickname. She's attached to her partner right now."

"Partner?" He asks setting a tray on my lap.

"Partner, Tess is Pan if you didn't already know. She's dating a non-binary person, but with others, she'll call them her 'boyfriend' because they don't want to be outed as non. So, I expect you not to tell her I told you this, though I think she trusts you enough."

He hums and nods. "You got my word."

"That reminds me, when we first met you kept saying 'people' while referring to someone you'd be in a relationship with, why?"

"Does sexuality matter?"

"No, I'm just curious."

"Fine. I don't have a term, I just like people who I like. Doesn't matter what gender race or religion, if I like them for them I like them. I don't like to put a term to it. So, I guess I'm just queer. "

"Cool," I shrug then take a bite of the pancakes. "You need to teach me this recipe."


"Family, I know. I'll just have to find my way into being a part of the family then."

He pauses and watches me, thinking to himself.

"Spit it out, what's on your mind?"

"You really don't remember anything from last night?"

"This again? I don't remember anything after my 5th round when we were talking about stupid work moments."

"So before we talked about the almost car accident?"

"We talked about that?"

"Wow, okay, so you don't remember."

"And you do?"

"I only had 3 beers, one of them was a virgin. I drove us back here."

"You spent the night?"

He pauses for another minute, then nods.

"What did happened last night?"

"You got drunk and cried."

"No shit?" I ask and he laughs. "Well, I am an emotional drunk sometimes. I don't even know why, my mind just spits nonsense. It's funny hearing about how I got the next morning. What else happened?"

"Well, you stormed out into the rain, got emotional, then basically attacked me."

"Wait, I hit you?"

"No, you couldn't land a hit."

"That sounds like drunk me. Sorry, I did that, I don't know why I'd do useless and weird shit like that when I'm drunk. I seriously didn't mean anything about it sorry Deven."

He laughs, but I can tell he hurt about something, I don't pester because I know he wouldn't like that.

"No need to worry about it, it's fine. I gotta go, will you be okay?"

"I'll be okay, I just need sleep I think."

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'll cya later man?"

"Definitely, cya then." I grin and he cracks the door behind him.

That was a weird reaction. And, he didn't call me Angel... Is he okay? Did I actually hurt him?

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