Coffee (mon)

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I grab my bagel, and my coffee travel cup, then head to the door. Mornings are always chaotic because everyone's going to work or the campus, so I always make sure I'm prepared. Sadly, no one I know has the morning shift with me, so it's also going to be a quiet morning for me. Quiet but chaotic, is that even a thing?

I put on my beanie, grab my keys, then I walk out, locking the door behind me. It's almost October, so I stay checked with my beanie always by the door. I raise out to my car, of course, it has to be raining. Raining, in late September? Yes, only where we live. Pretty soon that's gonna be snow with how cold it gets here.

I eat my bagel in the car, washing it down with the coffee. Roads are, of course, busier this morning, people leaving while the rain is light. Of course, the sun is coming up; it gives a strange feeling to me. Watching the rain slide down the windshield, while the sun is barely blocked the clouds and the horizon. I love mornings like this, I don't know why, but it's just peaceful to me.

Once I see our busy coffee shop, I immediately rush out after parking in the back, and clock in after putting on my apron. I run to the cashier, apologizing to the person who was covering for me for a minute. I hate days where there's that one person, obviously an assistant, that orders 5+ coffees. It's just too much for rush hours.

"Alright, the total will be $20.58. Cash or card?" I ask the lady after sending off the cups.

"Card," She takes out her wallet, and swipes her card, it's obvious a company.

"Thank you, it'll be out in a few, have a nice morning," I say and she just nods in agreement and wipes her eye.

I want to laugh, she's tired, but I do understand. If I wasn't prepared for a morning shift, I would be the same way.

"Welcome, what can I get yo- oh, hey Deven. Never see you here," I smile seeing a familiar face.

"What'd you do to your hair?" He raises an eyebrow and reaches out to touch my hair.

"Wanted to get rid of the red. Anyways, what would you like this morning."

"1 Amazicono and 1 V.B.," he removes his hand and reaches for his wallet. "Small for the V.B., Large for the Amazicono."

"A V.B., this early in the morning?" I ask grabbing the cups and putting his name on it and the order.

"Little sister, she might have a fit if I return home and don't bring her a V.B."

I nod, "Cash or card?"


He puts in a chip card, then enters a pin, then removes it.

"You got classes today?" He asks as I send off the cups.

"Yeah, then I'm working a night shift at my full time."

"So you got no free time today? How about tomorrow?"

"Yeah, my morning is free, after 1 I have a class then work."

"Great, I want you to meet my sister, and maybe we can go out to eat or cook in."

"Sounds awesome," I smile and nod. He motioned over to the chairs. "Alright, we'll talk details later. Cya Deven."

"Cya man, also, I like the natural more."

I laugh, he leaves and I go to the person after him.


I clock out, shoving my apron in my locker, then go out to my car. I just did 3 hours here, and now I have two 2 hours classes, then I have the night shift. God, I'm gonna be stupidly busy today. I'm gonna go home, then pass the fuck out. Normally, I don't do both jobs in one day, but because of calling off tomorrow, I had to fill in my part-time hours for today.

It's currently 9 AM, I have a class in 30 minutes. Then 4 hours of classes, so I'll get out of classes at 1, then I'll go home for 2 hours till work. Perfect, then I'll get home back at 10 PM.

My phone dings, I check it once I park at the university. "My sister says thank you for the V.B." It reads with a picture being sent after of him and his little sister.

His little sister has a big toothy grin with her eyes closed and her V.B. In her hands near her mouth, he has a small smile with his arm wrapped around her shoulder, he still holding his coffee as he stares at the camera.

"Sure, come around again when I'm on shift, just not during rush hour 😆"

"Sounds good, ttyl."


I grab my bag and coffee, then rush out and click the lock. I run to the door, get out of the rain, and finally walk in. Tess and Ronny are waiting for me.

"There you are, you're almost late, we got 5 minutes," Ronny shakes his head and slings his arm around me as we walk.

"I know, work, such a horrible thing."

"Wait!" Tess yanks me down to her eye level. "You got rid of the red! Finally! I hate you with red, you and red do not go well together."

"We'll talk about this later, hurry or we'll be late," I back away and we run down the corridor to our lecture room. "Shh," I shush them as we open the door and head in. We immediately sit in the middle where our normal seats are.


"So, tomorrow @ 11, my place?"

"Sure" I send back setting down my pencil.

He sends his address, which shocks me because it's seriously 5 minutes away from my place, and that's if I'm driving.

"No shit, you live there?"

"Yes, I live down the road, but in a house, not in an apartment."

"Hey, what's wrong with my apartment. It's a nice apartment complex, expensive too."

"😆 yes, it's a nice apartment, but my place is better. Wait till you see it."

"Alright, whatever you say, man. I better be wowed tomorrow."

"Trust me, you will be."

"Good," I send back and smile at him being cocky, I noticed he is extremely cocky 24/7. "Gotta ttyl, finishing up an assignment due this Wednesday."

"Alright, cya later college boy."

I roll my eyes but send a quick cya, and grin. This dude, it feels like we've been friends for a while, but it's seriously just been 3 days.

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