Sibling visit... (sun)

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"Alright, alright. I have the message locked in my head."

"Good, but if you don't by the end of today I will."

"But I want too"

"Exactly, so I suggest you do before I get impatient," I wink playfully, he smiles.

"Give me 3 hours to get it right, this needs to be perfect."

"Alright, I can wait."

He chuckles, then kisses my cheek. "Your schedule better be clear."

"Of course it is, I don't go out ever unless im with friends or for work and school."

"Great, you going back home?"

"Might as well, I'll leave you to your planning?"

He nods and hesitates before kissing me. I find it sweet how he still hesitated before actually kissing me, obviously because I'm still new to the whole "I love a guy romantically and sexually" thing. But, the hesitation slips away when I kiss back.

"I think you can wait 3 more hours Denny."

"But do I want to? Hell no," He kisses my forehead with a grin. "But, I will."

"Good, I'll wait as well. But, now you have to start planning," I pat his chest, then lightly push him away an inch. "3 hours?"

"In 3 hours," he grips my hand, then let's go of it. As I walk out he just waves behind watching me.


1:30 pm

The moment I park in the lot and see the stupid orange Jeep Wrangler, I regret even coming back here. But, I need to make sure they aren't harassing Ronny or Ashly.

I skip the elevator, taking the stairs two at a time till I reach the third level. I open the door, then speed walk across the hall, don't want to interrupt others afternoons. I reach my door, room 204, and stumble with my keys a little till I finally get it open.

My biological brothers and sister are here, which surprised me because normally it's just my twin older brothers.

"Maxxy, I missed you," my sister goes to hug me.

I raise an eyebrow and step back. "You haven't answered or talked to me in 4-5 months, and all of a sudden all of you stop by without even telling me anything? Somethings up, I want answers."

I notice Ronny give me a look then go to his room. My older sister puts down her hands, then stands next to my brothers.

"Max," Jackson warns, basically saying "be nice to your sister".

"Jackson, don't Max me. Y'all outcasted me, so don't bicker about me being a little rude."

Jack, the other twin, sighs, and steps forward.

"Fine, moms moving away."

"Good for her."

"Maximilian, she's still our mother. Plus, you don't even know where."

"Who cares, you all have your own families. Hell, Maddison is fucking pregnant," I point at my sister. "Which, thanks for telling me." I glare slightly at her, she frowns and looks down. "I'm guessing you told those two but left me out of it." They stay silent, I nod slowly. "You guys have families, and I'm finally getting the chance to make mine. Even mom has her lovely replacement for dad. I don't care where they go together, as long as they leave me out of it."

"She's not moving away with dad though, that's what we are concerned about."

I stare at them, leaning against my counter with my arms crossed.

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