Dye (sun)

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"Ashly, help," I hold up the light brown hair dye.

"Wow mate," she grabs the box from my hand. "Why are you suddenly getting rid of the red?"

"Just got a feeling."

"Alright, it's not gonna look right tonight, but tomorrow, Monday, it should be fine. Come on," she grabs my arm, guiding me to the bathroom.

"Where are you going with my girlfriend?" Ronny follows us.

"Dying his hair."

"Why? I thought you liked the red?"

"Enough questions, I'm just getting her help. Lord knows I'll fuck it up if I do it alone."

"It's just a light brown, how are you gonna fuck it up?"

"Good question, I don't know but it always happens. I bet I'd probably strain my hands or face, something like that," I say and she pushes me on the toilet so she can take out the box's contents.

"This reminds me, I should change the color of my hair. Babe, what should I do?"

"Pick a color you like, it doesn't matter to me Love, as long as you are happy with it."

"Neon pink?" I suggest, her eyes light up.


"Great, I'll help you next weekend."

"Bitch, I'm doing it tonight after I do yours. The hell are you talking about?"

I laugh at her reaction. "Fine, we'll run to the store after mine's done and get some. How's that sound?"

"Better. Now, turn," she grabs my face and turns my head to the red part. "It's not the same tone, but it'll fade and match after a wash," She shakes the bottle.

"Thanks again, Ashy," I tease her, gaining a laugh and a light slap on the back of the head.

"Whatever, Maxie-"

"Don't you dare finish that!"

We all laugh, and she puts some dyed on a brush.

"Babe, can you get some foil?"

"Sure," he leaves.

"So, why are you dyeing it? There's someone, isn't there?"

"What? No, of course not. We all know I'm still fucked from the last relationship. Deven opened up to me a little, about his sister and her autism. I offered to help out a little, after all, I love kids and he says she's a big kid, but she'll be wary of red hair. It creeps her out, so I'm removing it so I can help her."

"That's... sweet of you. Are you still feeling unwell because of the alcohol?"

"Are you kidding me? It's been a whole day since we went out drinking."

"I guess so."

"I can be nice, I am most of the time. I just felt like doing this so I can help him out a little. He is a friend after all, and no one deserves to parent their little sibling because their parents were assholes and left them stranded."

"So, he opened up about that?" Ronny asks handing the foils to Ashly.


"I'm surprised, he normally doesn't open up that easily."

"Yeah, well, neither do I. So, I guess after he got to know me more he might've been more comfortable with it."

"Yeah, makes sense," he nods then leans against the wall watching Ashly as she lathers the dye in my hair over the red.


"I had my doubts, but this worked well," She looks in the mirror at her hair.

"Yeah, it does, and I'm gonna be back to my normal hair color tomorrow. Not a complete waste of the day."

"Not a complete waste? What could've been wasteful about the day?"

"1) going out for 20 minutes just looking for my hair color, then another 30 finding a good neon pink. 2) Call off work to do this. And 3) I had to see you all day," I glare at him.

"You're just jealous."

"Of what?"

"Of everything, like how I have fewer work hours than you, and I look better than you with red hair."

"Shut up," I laugh and punch his shoulder.

"Alright, out, I need to straighten it."

"Isn't that gonna ruin your hair?"

"Shush, I know what I'm doing; out," she pushes us out, and shuts the door.

"Hey, this is my apartment."

"Yeah, but I'm here with my boyfriend, And you use my flat iron a lot, so it's always here."

"I do not!"

"Honey, with your natural curls, there is nothing natural about your straight hair!"

I huff, knowing she'll hear it, but then smile and walk towards the kitchen.

"Ask your future wife what she wants for food, I'll make just about anything."

"Shh, she doesn't know."

"I know that dumbass, I'm joking. Go ask her." I roll my eyes, he snorts then goes back to the bathroom door.

He comes back after a few seconds and goes to the fridge, I raise an eyebrow.

"That weird egg sandwich thing you always make."

I nod and grab the eggs. "Get a pot and start boiling water," I tell him as I get out more ingredients.

"Yes master," he bows, I use my free hand to slap his head. He laughs. "Fine, I'll stop." He puts his hands up, then goes in the cabinets to grab a pot. "Where did you learn to make this anyways."

"My late dad taught me, he loved to make it when I was a kid for Easter or small get-togethers," I place the eggs in the pot of water, putting the stove burner to medium, you don't want to burn the bottom of the pot. "Get the mustard, will ya?"

"You need to teach me."

"Why haven't you just been watching?" I ask as my phone dings. I pick it up, seeing a message from Deven.

"Why would I watch?"

"If you want to learn, watch, stupid," I open the message, seeing a picture of Deven and a girl who I assume is his little sister. She looks a lot like him. They are both making stupid faces at the camera. The message below says "This is Maiya."

I type back a quick response. "Lovely picture, it gets your good side."

"Jerk." He sends back

"Not kidding though, I see the resemblance, she's pretty."

"She says thank you."

"Tell her I said your welcome."

"Dude," Ronny waves his hand in front of my phone. "You listening?"

"Huh?" I look at him confused and shut off my phone.

"Stupid," He shakes his head. "Never mind, doesn't matter."

"Fine, grumpy pants." I make fun of him, trying to make my voice sound like a little girl.

He laughs at me, telling me I sounded like a teen girl who's shrieking, making me laugh.

"I got an early shift tomorrow, so I'm not gonna be here when you leave."

"Got it, which place is giving you the early shift?"

"Part-time, then I have the full-time tonight for night shift."

"Got it."

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