Come over (Fri-Sat)

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"You got anything planned tomorrow?" Deven asks as I'm on a call with him.

"Nah, why?"

It's been a whole week since we met, we text every day, and some days like today we'll call each other and talk. I like talking to his sister, she seriously is a big kid, but I'm not complaining. She has such a great personality. She tries hard to be independent, but Deven can get protective and won't allow her to do certain things. She'll end up stealing his phone and calling me, trying to get me to persuade him to let her be more "free". I find it adorable because it is.

"I'm volunteering tomorrow night, and I was hoping you could come over to watch her?"

"Hmm, you need to be more convincing."

"Fine, you wanna come over tomorrow night, I'll have food made, so don't eat dinner?"

I hum again, then right when I'm about to say yes, his sister cuts in.

"Come over!"

I laugh, Deven laughs with me.

"Fine, I'll come over tomorrow. What time?"

"7 to whenever I come back from volunteering."

"Sure, but if you don't come back when it's dark I'm sleeping over. No way I'm driving back tired."

"Alright, sounds good."

"So yes?" His sister asks.

"Yes," Deven and I say together.


"Hey, I'm back!" Ronny yells through the apartment.

I step out of my room and lean against the wall.

"Any louder and we'll get a noise complaint."

"Eh, who cares," He shrugs then goes to the kitchen and grabs an apple out of the fruit bowl. "How'd class go?"

"Usual, but you seem happy about it. Why?"

"Ehh, more of I'm happy because it's finally the weekend."

"Makes sense. Also, tomorrow im probably spending the night at Devens."


"He wants me to watch his sister while he's gone, so I said I would but it'll be late when he comes back. I told him I refuse to drive in the dark, so I'd be staying over if anything."

"Alright, when are you leaving?"


"A'ight, I'm going out to dinner with Ashly around that time, so I don't know if I'ma be home tomorrow either," He winks, a pretend to gag.

"TMI man, don't need to know what you do in the past time. Could've just told me you were going to dinner with Ashly. I don't give a shit, just lock up before you leave. I'm tired, I did an all-nighter yesterday," I wave behind me.

"Alright, sleeping beauty, cya tomorrow."

I flip him off, then shut my door. I fall on my bed, too tired to change so I just throw off my long sleeve. I look at my phone, seeing a text from Deven.

"Cya tomorrow, night."

I send a quick "Night" then shut off my phone. I put it on the wireless charger, then sleep overpowers everything else



I jult up, and see Ronny at my door.


"It's 1 in the afternoon!"

"You're kidding me?!" I jump up.

"Of course I'm not! Call Tessa and tell her you'll be late!"

I look at my phone, seeing my alarm going off but there's no sound. I grab it and see that when I put it on the wireless charger it was switched to silent mode. I groan in anger, setting it down, and run to my closet. Ronny shuts my door as I change quickly.

After pulling my arms through the holes, I quickly pull on my sneakers, then grab my phone. I unlock it quickly, opening my door at the same time. There's a hand offering a pear out to me, I take it, saying thanks, as I call Tess. I grab my keys, running out the door.

"Where the hell are you?"

"Hi sorry, I did an all-nighter Thursday, and I was so fucking tired I didn't notice when my phone switched to silent mode," I say and press the button down on the elevator. It says the elevator is on the 5th floor, I groan and decide to take the stairs. "I'm so sorry, I'm on my way right now."

"I don't care, just get here, you're lucky I've covered for you for 20 minutes."

I continue to jog down the stairs, skipping 2 at a time sometimes. I quickly get to the first floor and jump down the last 3 stairs.

"I know, I'm sorry. Give me 7 more minutes, I'll be there," I say and hang up, not bothering on her response. I get a few stares, I pass a few familiar faces, I ignore them.

"What's the rush?" My neighbor asks.

"Late for work, bye!" I yell and run out the door to my car.

I curse at myself the whole way in my car, biting out the fruit in anger out of myself, I almost choke once. I park in the back, then run inside and run to my locker. Tess already beat me to it, having my apron in her hand. I toss the pare in the trash, and quickly tie the apron. I go to the employee bathroom, wash my hands, then clock in.

"I'm sorry, we both know I've never done this and I won't do it again," I stare at her as we walk back out. If I didn't mention it before, Tess is the manager.

"It's fine just shut up and do your work, you big fool." She clicks her tongue, then pushes me to register.

I let the guy who was covering for me know I was thankful and that I was sorry, then I help the person after the man he just helped.

"Rushed morning?"

"Deven, hi," I sigh out, but it sounds more like a laugh. "You have no idea, slept in. What can I get you?"

"1 Large Amazicono, 1 extra shot on that, and 1 Small V.B."

"Cash or card?"


"Still on for 6:30?"

"If you aren't too tired..." He stares at my eyes, or, more of below them

"I'm fine,"

"Says the bags under your eyes."

"I'll be fine, I want to do it," I smile, and he returns the gesture.

I send his cups off, he puts in his debit, enters the pin, then removes it.

"Then, I'll see you at 6:30," he grins.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon."

He smiles and goes to a table to wait till his name is called. I help the lady after, she looks like she has hearts in her eyes. I ignore that fact and help her, Tess gives me questioning glances, but I keep telling her it's nothing or I'll tell her later.

This is gonna be a fun day.

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