Afternoon lift up (Mon)

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"Hello, Mrs.Cafferty," I say when she opens the door. She perks up seeing me, then looks at Deven behind me with a raised eyebrow. "This is my boyfriend, Deven, the one who I talked about in the elevator. I've spent a lot of time with him and his sister," I smile sheepishly, feeling my face grow hot.

"Oh, yes! I didn't know he was your boyfriend! You should've said so; you know I'm okay with it!"

"It's only become a recent thing. But, I did get Devens okay, so I am taking up on that offer."

"Great! I'm so happy you have! I'm grateful he's a trusting one. As I'm sure Max has said," she goes into her apartment. I grab Devens's hand and pull him in too. "I made these for my grandson's birthday, and I run a bakery nearby, so you certainly can trust my baking. After all, I bet half of this state has tasted my cupcakes or my sugar cookies. People love those," she goes on about her baking. She is very passionate about it.

"Yes, ma'am, but he didn't mention a bakery?"

"No? Max, I thought you said you would promote me more?" She teases, I smile.

"I have! It just slipped my mind. She's had this bakery for years, longer than I've lived here. It's amazing, from coffee to tea. Cupcakes to full-on cakes, they do wedding pastries, birthday stuff, and she's always trying out new recipes. Like you and your restaurant."

"Ohh, he has a restaurant?"

"Family-owned. I'm the head chef; I've been cooking since I was little. Guess it became my passion."

"That's wonderful! The more cooks, the better for everyone else! The way to anyone's heart is their stomach," she grabs a container from the fridge, and I spot five others along with that. Ours had a note: "Max: no nuts, no honey!".

"Thank you so much, ma'am. I'm sure my sister will enjoy these to her heart's content. She has a nasty sweet tooth," he grins as she hands him the container.

"It's no problem. I hear about the situation from max, and I know raising your sister can be a hassle. So if you ever want some sweet to kick back, you can always ask me. I'll have something whipped up faster than you can say hello.

He grins, then bends a little to hug her. She walks us to the door. She pulls me aside for a second.

"I heard the yelling yesterday. Are you okay?"

I smile, "I'm fine. I got a surprise visit from my brothers; you know how they can be."

She smiles and nods. While walking me back to the door, she says she has to get back to watching her law show while baking for her daughter. I tell her I'll stop by later.

"You're right. It is sweet. She's so adorable," Deven laughs slightly. I open my door.

"Yeah," I breathe out and see the cute scene in front of us. May watching closely as Ronny sketch's a wonderfully drawn Alex. "That's cuter."

He hums then announces our arrival.


Deven and Maiya are enjoying the cupcakes, and I catch Ronny up to speed.

"I knew you two were together!" Ronny yells and claps his hands together.

"Denny and Angel... dating?" May gets out with a mouthful of the soft sweets.

"Yes, angel and I are dating," Deven confirmed.

She smiles, puts the mini-cake down on a napkin, and rush's to hug me. I laugh and hug her back. I have this surge of happiness go through me, and I pick her up. She laughs as I hold her to my chest and spin us around once. I know she's okay with it because I've done it once before.

Deven gives me the most longing look ever, then walks over and pulls her and me into a hug. He kisses my cheek, then kisses her forehead, telling us he loves us both.

"I love Angel and Denny."

"I love you guys too," I give May one more small squeeze, then peck Devens lips and set May down.

"Already to the "love" stage?"

"Sorta, in a different way," I say. Deven nods. "I'll tell you about that later. You'll understand then."

"Song?" May asks. I give Deven a look.

"We could get some other input?" He smiles and nods.

"I'm missing something?" Ronny crosses his arms.

"Deven and I have been writing a song together. I've been thinking about uploading it."

Ronny looks surprised, looking between Deven and me, but ends up smiling. He grabs Deven by his shoulders.

"I'm so glad you're here. You have no idea," Ronny grins with the happiest expression on his face. The only other times he's had this expression is when Ashly said yes to being his girlfriend.

"Umm, okay. Thanks, I guess. Happy to be here," Deven laughs awkwardly, then shoots a few glances at me.

I shake my head, he pouts. I roll my eyes, then remove Ronny's hands. "No being weird," I remind him. Ronny nods. "Fine, you can listen to us."


"Still can't believe the two of you put that together,"

"It was mainly Deven, actually; I've been working on the lyrics."

"All I did was tweak the original cords a little, so nothing too big."

"Yeah, right. I can play the original right now. This version sounds so much better."

He smiles and kisses my cheek, "no fighting with me on this. You're the one with the 10 million people waiting to hear this incredible song."

"You're going to post this one? You don't post a lot of love songs."

"Well, it's kinda a love song but not at the same time. Yes, I had a "love" song in mind, but the picture I want to paint is love between you and something close to you. Not only love for a person, but it could be anything. When I was writing this, I had music in mind, I had friends in mind, and I had," I look to Deven, who's holding a grinning May in his lap. "I had the two of you in mind."

May keeps her grin. Deven smiles and stares at me like I'm the most precious thing. Like I'm a shining diamond or a kitten.

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