Date. (sat)

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It's been a week since we both admitted it, and I feel like we've only gotten closer. But, that makes sense. We've known each other for 5 weeks, so a month and a week. Time moved way too fast, but it also feels like it's been forever since we met. Time moves fast, but it feels so slow, especially around Deven and his sister. Honestly, it feels like a good thing. Life has always moved so fast for me, hell, I even got famous around age 20.

Where am I now? Of course, working, but it's the fun after this shitty job. I'm going to be with Deven all night again. But this time it's more of date... it wasn't classified as one, but I guess it can be counted as one. I'm only working 2 hours today, then I'm going for lunch with Deven, then tonight I'm watching Maiya again. So, a date? A date could be going to lunch? If it is, then was us going to lunch that one time we just met a date?

"Max, pay attention. Stop daydreaming," Blake flicks my hand, making me focus back on the woman in front of me.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I have a lot on my mind recently, I hope you can understand that," I apologize, and laugh nervously, to the lady in front of me.

"It's okay, I do understand. I got 3 kids, single mom, I understand sometimes people get caught up in their thoughts."

I laugh again, she giggles and nods along. "I'm taking care of my friend's little sister tonight while he works, so I'm thinking of activities to do. Sorry about that, anyway, what can I get you?"

She grins kindly, then states her order.

"I suggest if it's a kid about 10 or under you could make things with them. It gets their creativity active and can help with some skills like communication and thinking," she says taking out her wallet. "If it's a teen, then maybe play some sports or other hands-on activities, it also helps with the same skills. That's just a few things I've learned from being a mother," she swipes her card, completing the transaction.

"Thank you, ma'am, I'll think about that," she nods. "Thanks again, have a nice day."

"You too, honey." She grins then walks to a table with 2 teens, about 15-16, and a smaller child that looks about 11.

"Good evening sir, what can I get you today?"


"Blake, my shifts over, and Josies got to register."

"Alright, cya man. Good luck with that date of yours," he sends a wink and I laugh.

"Good luck being stuck here," I tease then walk to the back.

"What time is it? Am I late?" Josie runs over to me.

"It's okay, you're on time, don't worry about it. Thanks for taking register today, I know you don't like to, but they didn't have another person to register."

"It's fine, you'll just pay me back later." I laugh and nod, clocking out. "But, maybe instead of owing me a shift, we can go for a drink?"

"Wow," I start, wide-eyed, then smile sadly. "I'm sorry to let you down, I'm kinda seeing someone-"

"Oh lord no," she's laughs and waves her hand in front of her face. "I don't mean it that way. I would like to be friends with you, we only know each other at work. Plus, I have a boyfriend, we've been going for 5 years. No way I'm ruining that streak, you understand that, right?"

"Of course I do, sorry about jumping to conclusions," I laugh along with her, opening my locker. "Yeah, I understand. I know most people that work here because we all go to the same university down the road, but I'd love to get to know you too. You seem like a really sweet person, so I don't mind."

"Great, you have a shift tomorrow, right?"

"No, but Monday morning I do."

"So do I, I'll see you then?"



"Hey," Deven waves slightly.

"Hi, Denny."

"I'm starting to feel like you forgot my actual name," he raises an eyebrow with a smirk.

"No way, Denny! How could I forget your name that reminds me of the restaurant?"

He laughs and grabs my hand. "Awesome, May has got you addicted to calling me, Denny."

"It's not that bad, it's cute."

"Max is cute, Denny is a restaurant that honestly is not good."

"What are you talking about? Of course, it's good, it's even better than IHOP."

"That's not a popular opinion."

"It is to me."

"No way, IHOP's better."

"No, the pancakes are too bad, the eggs are always horrible no matter how to take them, even the coffees bad."

"Okay, the eggs are decent, but the pancakes aren't seriously that bad. And the coffee? What's wrong with the coffee?"

"So many things."

He laughs as I explain why it's so bad there. I didn't even notice when he brought me to his car until he opened the door for me to get in.

"You are so cute when you rant, but you need to get in the car," he doesn't even try to hide the grin.

"I was going to regardless," I pout then get in and he shuts the door laughing at me.


"Dev, where are we going, it's been a 20-minute drive?"


I feel my face grow hot as I realize I called him Dev.

"Err- sorry, that slipped out."

"No, no-no-no. I like that, that was cute."

"Don't get used to it, I'm never saying that again."

"Aww, but that was so cute."

"Anyways, where we going?"

"We are almost there, 5 more minutes."

"Deven, there's seriously no buildings around here."

"Have you looked in the backseat?"

I turn my head to see a picnic basket and a blanket. I turn back with shock.

"A picnic?"

"Mhmm, what's wrong with that?"

"Absolutely nothing. I've just never been on one," I shrug and smile.

"Really? No family or dates, nothing?"

"Nope, you have?"

"All the time as kids, it helped Maiya, so I always went looking for new spots. Never brought anyone here though, this was just 'my spot'."

"Your spot?"

"I went here when I got so caught up in depression episodes and I had an hour or so to myself."

I grin and grab his free hand. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"Bringing me here, obviously, it's 'your spot'."

He smiles, then intertwines our fingers. "Yeah, I wanted to the moment we had our little 'confession'. Plus, I think you'll like it."

"I most likely will, we have similar taste in the scenery."

"Yes, we do."

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