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I have to force myself to stop staring at the numbers, because they keep on climbing meaning I keep on resetting it and stressing myself out. I got text from some of the family, and man it annoyed the fuck out of me that they are now caring because I'm "famous" as my siblings call it. It's annoying because just a week before, they were in my apartment trying to get me to speak to the mother that hasn't spoken to me until now.

"You started music again? Looks like your pretty big." She text me. There was another by her, but I ignore it.

"Dude, when did you become a celebrity?" Jack, I ignore.

"So, what happened earlier, can you call me back? I wont scream or yell this time, and I wont curse, promise." Maddy, I consider responding back. An hour later i get this. "I support you bro, I always will. I want you to know that. I love you."

I respond: "Love you too, but I'm figuring out a few things. I'll get back to you soon."

"If you wanted to donate somewhere you could've just asked us, not try and get famous while doing it." One of the twerp demons. Ignored.

Maddy I'm not as annoyed with, but I cant stand any of them trying to get involved when they haven't before. I'm not dumb or naïve, I know how they work. Maddy is the only good one of the bunch, she tries. She didnt before, but she did before my face was plastered everywhere.

I now have 14 million, I was at 10 million before. Thats 4 million in one night.... how? Also, I figured out youtube reached out to me for my plakes, so that's coming soon I guess. I don't know how to handle all of this, Its so weird. Maybe it was a bad idea, but I don't regret how much money was made for charity, that part is magical.

"Dont forget, you need to come into work still Mr.Celebrity" My boss, the fulltime boss.

"Shoot," I mummble reading the message.

"What happened."

"Boss, forgot about work. I need to leave to get ready," I frown.

"Do you like working there?"

I think for a minute. I like the people, they're nice. Its not what I would like to do, but when I get out of college I'll have a better job. Sure, I might not want to be a mechanical engineer, but it pays well so I cant complain.

"No, but it my main source of money."

"Haven't you ever thought of being a music teacher or something? I feel like you'd be good at it."

I do consider it. Music is my passion, I wanted it to be part of my future. Maybe it can be, maybe he's right. Maybe I could be a music teacher, or at least be a personal music teacher. I don't really know, it sounds fun. I like to help others and I love music, maybe I can put two and two together.

"I don't know, maybe. It's sounds nice, I could find myself being into that. I'll ponder it," I smile.


"Hey, how was work?" Text from Deven. I got off of work, now I'm at Taco Bell. Don't judge me, they were open late and I don't feel like cooking while tired.

"Funny how so many people recognized me. I was so awkward, more than I was during the stream."

"Wow, you met some of us?"

"Denny, someone asked for my fuckin autograph. Wtf? I'm not used to this, I felt so weird and out of place."

"Aww, that's sweet. The autograph thing, not you being awkward. Tho, that's cute too."

"Not time for flirting."
"Seriously, boss was givin me a vibe. Later on I met his daughter because she wanted a picture with "The Fallen Angel". She said that like I was most marvelous thing ever."

"😆 now that's cute"
"You take a picture with her tho?"

"Yes, I felt so weird. Seriously, my bosses daughter is a fan of mine, actually, she seemed more than just a fan. Kept on asking me if I was ever going to make anything and sell it, or if I could sing at her birthday party (which is next year). She was 13 btw."

"Oh my dear god. How'd you handle that?"

"I told her "when it comes around talk to your dad about it and maybe it can happen."

"Would you actually do it?"

"I don't know"
"Still new to all of this. Ya know?"
"I met you and it was like "look, see, your famous", so I come back and suddenly I gained 4 million more in one night, and I'm everywhere."
"I don't regret it. Because of that stream, I am able to support so many autism charities, how could I regret that?"

"But, you are glad to be back doing music?"

"Yes, I am glad to be back."

"Great. That's what matters most right?"

"Yes it is."

"Fantastic agreement. Now, you coming back to mine or are you staying at yours?"

"I feel like I'm always there on weekends."

"Mostly, yes."

"I thought so. Yes, I will be back. Give me a few minutes though, need to make a pit stop at my place. Work suit sucks."

"Understandable. I'll see you soon. I love you ❤️"

"I love you ❤️"

(Couldn't think of a tittle for this one. Oops.)

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