Working it out (Sun)

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"I haven't felt that warmth in 2 years since my breakup," I say once we break. "Sorry if that was violent, when you said I kissed you when drunk I wanted a redo. One that I would remember."

"I don't blame you."

"I am sorry for being a messed up drunk, though. I truly didn't mean to hurt you because of that."

"You wanna know why I call you Angel?" I hum, he lays his forehead on mine. "When I said I was in a dark place, I was in a dark place. Like, suicide dark. I stayed for my sister, that was it. When I found you I slowly got better. But, after that drunk kiss incident, for the first time since I found you, I had one of those thoughts again. Now, you just show up and help me once again. You are my Angel."

"Deven?" I back away a little. "I'm sorry and I understand why you backed away after the incident, but I wish you would've told me I fucked up so I could have set this straight a week ago."

"I know, but everything's okay now."

"Is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"What about us?"

"Are you ready for a new relationship?"

"I just don't want things to end how they did in my past relationship. I like you, but I've never felt like this for a male so it's new for me. If you are ready for a relationship, maybe we can just take things slow?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. And, I understand this is new for you. We'll take it however you're comfortable."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you  I'm glad we got this cleared up. I don't think I would've lasted," he laughs bitterly, I grab his hand.

"Yes, you would've, you are stronger than that."

"Can I kiss you again?"

I nod smiling, he grabs my face and pulls me in. There's cheering behind us, so before we can kiss we break apart.

"I knew it!" May cheers clapping. "Kiss!"

"Maiya," her counselor starts, but Deven tells her it's okay.

Deven grabs me again, then kisses me. It's soft and sweet, nothing more and nothing less. I like this, I do. I'm just, kinda scared of these new feelings. It's been 2 years since I've felt this, it's new.

May cheers again, we break and look down at her. I laugh and she grabs my hand.

"Angel and Denny?"

"Yes, May," I nod and she grins. "Denny and I like each other, but we aren't together just yet," I take a knee to face her, then look at Deven. "But one day we will be."


"One day, yes."


"Hey angel," Deven calls from the kitchen, I'm currently working on my lyrics while May watched me.

"Yeah Denny?"

"How about you stay for dinner? We never actually had a chance when we talked about it?" He leans on the doorframe, watching me.

"Are you okay with that?" I ask May.


"Alright, then I'd love to," I smile at him.

"Great, anything I should know about before I start?"

"Nah, I'm good with anything and everything."

"Great," he smiles then turns back into the kitchen.

"Hey May, you wanna hear a new song I'm working on?"


"Mhmm, I think I'm gonna post new music soon."

"Wait, really?" Deven asks from the bar.

"Yeah, I looked at the comments like you suggested. A lot of people got concerned so I thought publishing a song I wrote a while ago with a little explanation  why I disappeared like that would be a good comeback."

He grins and nods. "I think that's a good idea. What you got?"

"Can I borrow your guitar?"

"Go right ahead, I'd love to hear you play again."

I smile and go to grab the guitar. Surprisingly it's already on his bed, and he has an open notebook next to it. I don't want to pry, but as I grab it I take a quick glimpse. It's sheet music, no lyrics but sheet music. I ignore it, then head back down the stairs, I sit across from Maiya, checking if it's tuned.

"Deven, were you playing before I came over?" I ask and pick at the perfectly turned guitar strings.

"Umm, yeah. I took some inspiration from your instrumentals, and wanted to have a song I could play for May."

"You and I should write one together," I suggest with a shrug.

"Yeah, that'd be cool. So, what's the mood for this song?"

"How about you just listen and tell me what you think? It's different than my other ones though, just a warning."

He nods, May moves over more. I start playing, I want this to sound more like a love song. There are no lyrics behind this one, and I don't think I'm going to add any lyrics, just have the instruments. On some cords I make a mental note to change it, then I'm left on the bridge.

"I haven't figured out what I want the bridge to sound like, but what do you think so far?"

"It sounds really good, but I think It sounds better if you changed the A majors to Minors in the second half, along with the E majors to Minors."

"You thought so too?"

"Yeah, I noticed it was more Majors in the first half and more Minors in the second. Like, it's happy in the beginning, but it kinda slows down and grows darker."

"Yeah, that's what I was going for. It's more of a love song, but there are no lyrics behind it. I want to paint a picture in a person's head when they hear it. Ya know?"


"Yes, May, a love song. I don't make a lot of love songs, but I wanted this to be a love song."

"Can I listen?"


She hums. "Yeah, try it with the new cords," Deven chimes in.


"Thanks again for coming over, I'm glad we worked this all out."

"I'm gonna be coming over more, so get used to it."

He laughs, May trots over with Alex next to her. She hugs me, I hug back, then pat Alex. I hug Deven, he kisses the top of my head, then I finally leave. I am happy we are working this out.


"I'm back!"

"You were gone for hours, it's 9 and you left at 3."

"I know, but we worked everything out."

"So you two together?"

"Not yet, taking it slow. Apparently, drunk me knew I liked him and decided to kiss him. That's why he was distant because drunk me said I liked him. He's already known he liked me, so when drunk me did that, it hurt him because I made it seem like it was nothing to me. So, we worked out the issue, admitted our feelings, had dinner together, even worked on a new song together. Everything is back to normal, but now there is a possibility we'll start dating soon."

"That's great Max, I'm glad you two worked it out."

"So am I."

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