Makeup (mon)

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I came out after the meeting and Deven was sitting there waiting for me. Deven saw my eyes, puffy and red, so he stood and pulled me into a protective hug. I cried again the moment I was in his arms. He helped me out to the car, put me in the passenger seat, and ran to the driver's seat. He let me calm down while we drove home, taking the longest route possible. When I was calm he asked when my next appointment was, so I told him next Monday. He grabbed my hand with a squeeze, and we pulled into the driveway. He turned off the car and turned towards me.

"I know it's been a long day for you, but I was thinking. I know how hard therapy can be, so I figured after you have therapy we go on a little date to help you cool off. I dont expect you to talk about your sessions, but I want you to know I'm here for you to help you through this all too," He explained, but I only heard half of it as I started crying again.

He pulls me into a hug. I realized I needed to learn to control my emotions better, and that's something I should talk with my new therapist about next Monday. I just held him, and nodded my head mumbling "Yes". When I was calm, again, he led me inside and to the kitchen bar. He started making my favorite coffee, taking out things in the fridge.

"Since today's the first, I figured we can make some breakfast for lunch, go upstairs and cuddle all day, and watch some TV. How's that sound?"

I smiled and nodded gently, "sounds like our evening plans."

I watched him cook breakfast, making me a breakfast burrito with eggs, bell peppers, sausage, bacon, and tomatoes. Don't hate it till you try it. He made himself a plate of over-easy eggs on toast, bacon, and sausage with veggies on the side. We put everything on a tray and carried it up to our room.

I grabbed some pajamas out of my drawers in the dresser and stripped to change. Deven caught on that it was a PJ day and changed with me. I wore my favorite blue and black plaid cotton PJ pants, skipping the shirt. Deven wore a matching set of red and black plaid pajamas, but more silky than my cotton. Together we got in bed, snuggled close, turned on our favorite show, and ate our brunch.

For the next hour or two we continued to watch SVU, my favorite show that I got him addicted to, until I eventually fell asleep. I woke up at least 2 hours later to hear May giggling in her room, I hummed and rolled over to pat for Deven, but he wasn't beside me. I sat up, now irritated that I had to leave the comfortable bed to find my personal heater of a boyfriend. I stepped out of the dark bedroom into the bright hallway. My eyes took a second to adjust, but when they did I counted my search and went to the bathroom to see if he was there. Then downstairs to see if he was in the kitchen or living room then peered my head out the back door to see if he was outside. I even looked in the garage/homemade gym.

Then I heard May giggle again, so I went back upstairs and to her room. I lightly pushed open May's colorful door to reveal Deven with makeup on his face. He was playing with May, who was too busy giggling as quietly as she could. Seeing Deven covered in red lipstick, purple eye shadow, and bright pink blush made me burst out laughing, announcing my arrival to the two.

"You think this is funny," Deven grinned then ran towards me. "I'll show you funny."

I don't have enough time to run away, and I'm already in his arms. I'm pushing his chest away from me, and he's trying to kiss me with his red lipstick.

"Denny, no," I laugh.

"Angel, yes," he grins and nods his head.

He overpowers me and smashes his lips against my lips as he grabs my face, he then turns to smear it all over my cheek. I'm yelling at him, May is laughing her butt off, and Deven is smearing me in lipstick. He finally takes a big gasp for air as he lets me go. Then put his hands on his hips in satisfaction as he looked at me.  I wipe my lips with the back of my hand, my hand smearing the color more.

"Why the hell do you have this?" I ask.

"Dress up," May says like it's obvious. "Halloween!"

I nod my head in understanding and walk over to May. I look at my face in her tiny mirror, then turn around and glare at Deven for making me a mess.

"So first you leave me alone, in bed, freezing cold," I say, poking at him and he rolls his eyes. "Then I come in here and you torcher me with this catastrophe."

"Baby, you look beautiful," he laughed and came up to me. He put his hands on my hips and pecked my lips. "You're gorgeous. Right May, isn't Angel pretty?"

He turned us towards her. She looks at me like she's judging me, then motions for me to sit. I pretended to flip my hair over my shoulder and sit where May told me to.

"Dennys not very good at this, is he?" I ask in a loud whisper.

"No, he's not. I am," she says then grabs her makeup.

"I bet. Are you going to fix me?" I ask and I can't help the smile that fights its way up.


Deven bent over to kiss my cheek, then to kiss Maya's head, she swatted his away and he pretended to look offended.

"Shoo, she needs to fix the mess you made," I play, bringing my hand to his back and punching him lightly.

"Oww, you're so abusive," he pushed my hand away then took my head and tilted it back to kiss me. I grabbed the back of his neck and deepened the kiss. Not too much because May was next to us, but just enough. "I'm going to go clean up, then make some food for dinner. How's homemade pizza sound?"

I hummed in approval, so he smiled and kissed me one more time before leaving.

"Do you love Denny?" Maya asks suddenly as we hear Deven going downstairs.

My eyes widen for a second at the random question. She pulls out an eye shadow and selects the blue. I close my eyes, preparing for her. She put it on surprisingly gently.

"Yes. I love Dev-," I clear my throat. "I love Denny with all of my heart. And I love you with all of my heart too. But, I love Denny different than I love you."

"How is it different?"

I swallow and think about how to answer.

"Well, how do you love Denny?" I ask her, which might have been a bad choice as she's still working on her speech and long sentences.

"I love Denny because he's Denny," she paused, staring at the blue makeup brush in her hand. "He's family."

"I love you because you are like family to me. You are Denny's little sister, so you're like a little sister to me. I love Denny romantically, not like family. You can love someone in different ways, and I love both of you in different ways."

"Like Alex and Denny different love," she nods in a somewhat understanding. "Alex's best friend, Denny is brother."

"Exactly like that."

She smiled, "is Angel my family?"

"Maybe one day I will be, it takes some time May."

"How does Angel be family?" She goes back to her drawers, no longer staring at the blue makeup brush.

"Well, Denny and I would get married to become officially family. But you can love someone like family even if they aren't family. I love you like family."

She nods. I think she's trying to follow along but not fully grasping the concept. She continues to do my makeup in silence, and I don't push the silence. She has so many wonderful things that go on in her head, and I would be damned if I dared break her concentration and train of thought. Children like her are so amazing.

"I love Angel too."

My heart breaks a little, shattered by cuteness and overgrowing love. I lightly grab the brush in her hand to stop her, then I lean forward and pull her into a hug. She accepts the hug, hugging me back almost immediately. I kiss the side of her head happily. 

"And I love May."

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