That's what best friends are for

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Jennifer's: POV

The door opened and my best friend Angela came in. She smiled when she saw me. "Hello Jen." said Angela. "Hey Angel." I replied with a smile on my face. "I'd like to have a latte and a cinnamon bun." she said. I gave her orders and she paid.

"To and talk to your friend

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"To and talk to your friend." replied Hannah. "Thanks." I said. She was sitting at a table near the window. Her smile lit up the whole day. Angela is like a sister to me. I'd rather have her as my sister than Cookie. Who names their child Cookie anyway?

"How's life?" asked Angela. "It's good. I love being single, I don't need men in my life." I said. "Maybe we can do a weekend trip to London with our girl gang." she replied.

"It sounds wonderful, what would I do without you?" I asked. "That's what best friends are for." she said. "True." I replied. "You can always call me if there's anything." said Angela. "I know that." I replied. She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled.


"A glass of wine please." I said. "Here you go." replied the bartender. I drank and listened to what people said. "You're Jennifer, Adam's ex-wife." replied the man. "I am." I said. "Weren't you in Paris?" he asked. "I moved back." I said and smiled. "Okay." replied Jim. "I need help with something." I said. "Like what?" he asked and I told him my plan. I bribed him with a lot of money. "I'll do it." said Jim. "Don't fail." I warned. "No miss." he replied. "Nice to do business with you." I said with a smirk on my face.

Jennifer is back in town. She's up to no good

I hope you liked the chapter


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