Will you marry me

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Adam's: POV

Jack went down on my knee and opened a box with a ring. Tears filled my eyes.

"I know we have just been together for a few months, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You always make me happy and you're so wonderful. Will you marry me?" he asked.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips

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I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "Yes, a million yes." I said happily. He put the ring on my finger and kissed me back. "Oh my dear Jack." I replied and kissed him back. "I love you so much." he said. "I love you more." I replied.


Cookie's: POV

I was sitting on my bed and watched Stranger things. One of my favorite tv series. It knocked on the door and dad came in.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked. "Sure." I said and paused it. He sat down on the bed. He looked at his hands and sighed.

"This happened when I was eleven years old. A older guy named Zach said he had a surprise for me. I followed him to the art class. I got scared when he locked the door.

"He raped me." said dad. I couldn't say anything. "I got pregnant with you and mom wanted to get rid of you. You were ripped out of my arms right after your birth.

"No one told me what happened to you. I thought you were dead. I started doing drugs to cope with the pain." said Adam. "Dad, I'm so sorry." I replied. "It's okay." he said. "It's not okay, I've been an idiot. I know how much you love Jack and it makes me happy." I replied. "Thank you honey." he said and hugged me.

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book


I hope you liked the chapter


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