My name is Cookie

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Cookie's: POV


June 10th 1996: New York

"I love ToysRus." I said. "Me too." replied Maria. "Mommy, can you help me?" I asked. She gave me a DW doll and I hugged her. I was so happy. "Mommy, I want this Cinderella dress too." I said.


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"Perfect choice for a princess like you." said a boy. "Mommy." I replied crying and dropped my doll on the floor. "What's it honey?" asked Maria. I pointed at the guy. "I didn't mean to scare her." said Adam and gave me my doll.


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"It's okay Adam." replied Maria. "Do you know him mommy?" I asked. "Yes." she said. "My name is Cookie." I replied. "I love your name so much." he said. "Thank you." I replied and smiled.


"It was fun today." I said. "I'm glad you liked it." replied mom with a smile on her face." "I love you." I said. "Love you too." she replied. "Good night mommy." I said and yawned. "Good night Cookie." she replied and kissed my forehead. She let the door stand a bit open, because I'm afraid of the dark. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I dreamed of Adam.

-End of the flashback-

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

Cookie met her dad

I hope you liked the chapter


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