They're our miracles

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Adam's: POV

We were walking around in Paris. I'm so happy that Jack is my husband now. We went to a outdoor seating and sat down on a chair. A waiter came to us and I ordered a glass of water . He wrote down my order and walked back into the café. Esme kicked me.

"I hope she'll be born here in Paris." I said. "Me too." replied Jack. "Can Avril be her middle name?" I asked. "It suits her." he said. "I agree." I replied and he smiled. "I love you." I said. "I love you more." replied Jack. Then I saw a blonde boy and tears filled my eyes. I ran to Oliver and hugged him. Jennifer and Nicolas glared at me.

"Are you okay Oli? I've missed you so much." I said. "Do you know what your son has done?" asked Nicolas coldly. "Oliver raped him." replied Jennifer. "It's not true, it was Nic who forced himself on me." said Oliver. "Stop lying." replied Nicolas. "Dad, please believe me." he begged. "Oliver... I." I started, but Jen cut me off. "There'll be a trial and I hope you're sentenced to death." she said.


"It hurts." I screamed. "It's soon over." said the nurse calmly. "He's getting weaker, he won't survive the childbirth." replied the doctor.

"Just let my baby survive." I begged. "It's a risk that you both die." he said. "I won't let that happen." I replied. I was holding Jack's hand and closed my eyes.

"Congratulations, it's twin girls." said the nurse. I was shocked, but so happy. But my smile faded quicky. They were very pale and they weren't breathing. More doctors rushed into the room.


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"What's wrong?" I asked. "Adam." said Jack. "Are my daughters okay, why can't I see them?" I asked. "Because they were born two months premature, there's a risk that they won't survive." said the nurse.

"Nooo, I don't want to lose them." I replied panicked. Jack tried to calm me down. "Please, let me see them, please." I begged. The nurse lay down my daughters on my chest. They were so tiny and beautiful. New tears filled my eyes. "Please, live for me." I said.

Esme and Avril opened their eyes and looked at me. Their hearts was beating and they were warm. Tears of joy were rolling down my cheeks. "My darlings." I said. "They're our miracles." replied Jack. "I love you two so much." I said and placed a kiss on their's foreheads.

I'm glad Esme and Avril survived

I hope you liked the chapter


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