I'll do everything I can to keep you and Emily safe

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Oliver's: POV

My alarm went off and I yawned. I heard a scream and I ran to Elina's room. She sat up in her bed and she was breathing heavily. She hugged her Robin doll tightly. He comforted her and gave her hugs.

"Shhh, you're safe honey, it was only a nightmare." I said calmly. "She tried to kill me." sobbed Elina. "The evil monster is in prison, you're safe now." I said and wiped away her tears. "Do you love me?" she asked. "I love you so much." I said and she smiled. I helped her got dressed before we ate breakfast.


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We went to Central Park after the breakfast. We fed some ducks with fruits. A baby duck went up to Elina and she hugged her. I smiled softly. She ran up to me and I picked her up in my arms.

"Hello Oliver." said dad. "Hi." I replied. Elina looked shyly at him. "Who's this cutie?" he asked. "This is my daughter Elina, I've adopted her." I said. "Hello Elina, I'm Adam Benson. I'm your grandfather." he replied. "Wow." she said.

"I know you'll be a wonderful dad to her." replied Adam. "Thank you." I said. "If you need help with something, just call me okay." he replied. "I will." I said. "Good." replied Adam and I smiled. "I love you daddy." said Elina.

"I love you too honey. I'll do everything I can to keep you and Emily safe. I don't let anybody hurt you two." I replied. "Aww." she said. "I'm on my way to meet up with Cookie." replied Adam. "Cookie will be so happy to meet her niece." I said. "I've a aunt?" asked Elina. "Yes and she'll love you." I said. "Aww." she replied happily and clapped her hands.

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

Oliver is a wonderful dad

I hope you liked the chapter


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