I won't hurt you

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Adam's: POV

I was in my office and looked through some papers. The door opened and dad came in.

"We got a report about a boy who's sexually abused by his dad." he said. "Thank you dad, Fin you're coming with me." I replied. I grapped my gun and left the building. We drove to the house and walked in. A man came out and I directed my gun at him.

"Who the hell are you, get out of my house

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"Who the hell are you, get out of my house." he said coldly. I shot him in the arm and leg tackled him onto the floor. I put handcuffs on him. "You're under arrest for sexually abusing your son." I said. "He deserves to be punished." replied Kevin. I gave him a slap. "I hope you rot in jail." I said coldly. Fin took him out to the police car. I found the boy's room and I found him hiding inside a closet. He looked scared at me.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." I said. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Adam Benson, I'm here to help you." I said. "I'm Noah." he replied. "I'll take you to a safe place." I said.

"Daddy used to come into my room at night. He was touching and kissing me. He raped me too. He said I deserved it just because I like boys." said Noah. "There's nothing wrong with liking boys, I love boys too. I won't let that monster ever touch you again. He's going to rot in jail for the rest of his life." I replied. "I'm scared Adam." he said. "Don't be." I replied.


"Hello, I'm home." I called. My daughters came downstairs. "Hi dad." said Lily and the twins happily. "Hello my darlings." I replied and gave them a hug. "Hey babe." said Jack and kissed me.

"Papa, I want to be a detective when I grow up." replied Lily. "It makes me happy." I said. "I want to be badass, just like you." she replied. "But it's not an easy job." I said. "I know that." replied Lily. "It's your dream, don't let anybody tell you otherwise." I said and she smiled. "You came just in time for dinner." replied Jack. "I'm so hungry." I said. We went to the dining room and sat down at the table.

Adam is an amazing detective

I hope you liked the chapter


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