I love my job

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Jack's: POV

I was working in my bookstore. Scooby and Flower was with me. They followed me around.

"I love you two so much." I said. They wagged their tails happily and licked my hand. The bell rang when the door opened and my family came in.

"Hey guys." I said. "Hello darling." replied Adam. "It's always so warm and cozy in here." said Oliver. "Thanks buddy." I replied. "I can finally live my Beauty and the Beast dream." said Lily happily.


It was a busy day in the bookstore. "Here's your book, have a nice day." I said with a smile on my face. "Thank you and same to you." replied the woman and walked out. I smiled softly, everyone here is so friendly. I love my new job so much. The bell rang when the door opened.

"Good morning Ingrid, how are you today?" I asked. "I'm good." she said. "Meet my husband Adam." I replied. "It's so lovely to meet you, Jack has talked so much about you." said Ingrid. Adam blushed. "It's nice to meet you too." he replied.

"What can we help you with?" I asked. "I'm looking for the book Beautiful boy." said Ingrid. "Wait right here." I replied and walked away. I came back after a few minutes with the book. "Thank you." said Ingrid and paid it.


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"Ingrid is a loyal customer." said Jack. "I understand why, you've a beautiful bookstore." he replied. "Thank you darling." I said and kissed him. "You're welcome." replied Adam and kissed me back. "Have I tell you how much I love you?" I asked. "You can tell me every day." he said.


Robin's: POV

"I've never seen so many books before." I said amazed. "It's amazing right?" asked Oliver and I smiled. "Yes it is." I said happily.

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

I'm so happy for Jack

I hope you liked the chapter


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