I'll protect you with my life

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Oliver's: POV

"Please stop, it hurts." I said and tears were rolling down my cheeks. "It hurts less if you relax." replied Nicolas. I screamed of pain, but nobody would hear me. "Can I get a kiss?" he asked. I kissed his lips and he smirked. "I love you so much." said Nic. After a while I lost consciousness and everything went black.

I sat up in my bed and breathed heavily. Felix run into my room and hugged me. "Shhh, you're okay, you're okay." he said calmly. "I'm so sorry, I'm such a freak." I sobbed. "You are not a freak, none of this is your fault." replied Felix. "Don't leave me." I said.

"I'll always be here for you, I'll protect you with my life." he repiled and I smiled. "Come." he said. I wrapped the cover around me and followed Felix to the kitchen. He made a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream to me. Then we went to the living room and watched Peter Pan.

"Felix, do you think I'm a freak?" I asked

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"Felix, do you think I'm a freak?" I asked. "You're not a freak, you are a wonderful boy with a heart of gold." he said. "I shouldn't have follow mom to Paris, it was a stupid idea." I replied. "It's not your fault, I'm not mad at you." said Felix. "I love you so much." I replied. "I love you too." he said. I fell asleep after a while.


Adam's: POV

I drove home, but I couldn't find Jack. I walked upstairs and went into our room. He had lit candles. Rose petals were lying on the floor and the bed. Jack was lying on the bed and he was wearing a sexy outfit. He went up to me and stroked my cheek.

"You need to relax, you've been so stressed latley." he said. "Thank you Jack." I replied. "No problem." he said. "I love you." I replied. "I love you too." he said. We kissed and fell down on the bed. We made out.

We shouldn't trust Felix

I hope you liked the chapter


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