It's so beautiful here

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Oliver's: POV


June 14th 2010: Disneyland

"It's so beautiful here." I said happily and looked around. I was wearing my Peter Pan's costume because he's my favorite disney character. "Yes it is." replied dad with a smile on his face. Come daddy." he said softly and took my hand. We went to a shop and outside stood Peter Pan. "You look just like me and you're so cute." he replied. "Thank you." I said. I got his autograph and we took a picture together.

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A a few hours later we sat at a bench and ate cotton candy. "Can we visit Paris someday?" I asked hopefully. "Of course." said Adam. "Mommy has told me it's a beautiful city." I replied. "It is." he said.

Adam's: POV

We watched the parade and Oliver clapped his hands when they drove past. He's so full of energy and are easy to laugh. I'm so lucky to be his dad. After an long day at Disneyland we went back to the hotel and Oliver fell asleep on the bed. I put a blanket on him and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well and dream sweet dreams. I whispered.

-End of the flashback-

Oliver loved his dad when he was little

I hope you liked the chapter


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