It looks cozy

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Oliver's: POV

"Does your parents know?" I asked. "No." said Tristian . "Oh." I replied. "They've swallowed all my lies. I told my parents that I like boys and they kicked me out of the house. I had nowhere to go, so I ended up here." replied Tristian . "I'm sorry." I said. "Whatever." he replied.

A well dressed man came in. He looked at us with a smirk on his face. He stopped in front of me. He lifted up my chin and looked into my eyes. "You." he said. I took his hand and we walked into a room. He laid my on the bed and began taking off his clothes. I closed my eyes.


Adam's: POV

I was sitting on the couch with a baby bottle in in my hand. I fed my children warm milk. Esme and Avril drank it. I smiled softly. I listened to the rain outside. I feel like a new human. I haven't taken drugs in weeks.

"It looks cozy

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"It looks cozy." said Jack. "I have had a few hectic days and I need to relax a bit." I replied. "Forget everything for a while and just take it easy." he said. "You're a wonderful husband." I replied. "Thank you my darling."  said Jack and gave me a kiss. Esme and Avril let out a soft yawn and snuggled closely to me.

"They're wonderful." said Cookie. "Esme and Avril changed my whole life." I replied. "Aww." she said. "I wonder how their personalities will turn out." replied Jack. "I think Avril will inherit your sass dad and Esme will inherit your love for drawing and books papa." said Cookie. "I think so too." replied Jack. "I'll teach them not to be like Oliver." I said.

What a wonderful family moment

I hope you liked the chapter


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