You're gonna be okay

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Adam's: POV


October 12th 1986: New York

I woke up in a hospital bed and dad was holding my hand. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet of tears.

"Daddy." I said weakly. "I'm here pumpkin." he replied and stroked my head. "It hurts." I sobbed. "You're gonna be okay, baby boy." said Elliot calmly.

" said Elliot calmly

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"Do you want to hear A dream is a wish your heart makes?" asked dad and I nodded. I fell asleep in the middle of the song and a smile spread on my face.

A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. He sang quietly and peacefully.


Elliot's: POV

A doctor came in to talk to us. "Adam's right foot is twisted and he has an easy concussion." she said. "Will he be okay?" I asked worried. "Yes." said Christina. "Thank God." I replied.

Christina gave Adam a teddy bear and a balloon. "Thank you." he said shyly. "You're welcome dear, I hope you feel better soon." she said with a smile on her face. "Thank you so much, I'm so grateful." I replied. "I'm glad Adam will be okay." said Christina. "Me too." I replied.

He had fallen asleep in my arms and a happy smile appeared on his face. I put a blanket on him and carried him to the car. He slept all the way home to mom. I know Olivia will be mad at me, but I can't go back home. Not after what she did to Adam.

-End of the flashback-

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-End of the flashback-

Poor Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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