I've never given much thought to how I would die

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Lily's: POV

I was with dad at his job, I want to work in a bookstore when I grow up. A man walked in and he looked at me.

"Hey Lily." said David. "What do you want?" I asked coldly. "I've been looking for you." she said. "I don't care." I replied. "Lily lives with me and my husband now." said dad.

"She's my child too." replied David upset. "We adopted her because of her idiotic alcoholic father abused his daughter." said Jack.

"You're coming with me." replied David angrily and took a tight grip around my wrist. He draggad me out from the police station and pushed me into his car. He started the engine and drove off.

"Let me go

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"Let me go." I said. "No, you'll be back home and behave like a normal girl." replied David and increased the speed. "This is kidnapping." I shouted. "Shut up or it will end badly for you." he said threatening. But five police cars stopped us and she swore loudly. He went out with me and put a gun on my head.

"Let us go or I'll kill her." said David and put his finger on the trigger. "Drop the gun." replied a man firmly. "I warn you, one more word." he said. "Let Lily go." he replied. "I warn you." said David coldly. I looked at dad and a shot went off.


"I've never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death."

"It's over Lily." said Adam softly. "Papa." I said and hugged him "My dear girl." he replied and stroked my hair. "But the shot?" I asked confused. "He shot himself, David is dead." said Adam. "You were so brave." I replied and he smiled. Dad came up to us and I hugged him as well.

"You're safe now." he said calmly. "I thought he'd kill me."I sobbed. "We don't let anybody hurt you." said Jack. "I know." I replied.

"Are you okay?" he asked worried and I nodded. "You and papa are my parents, no one can change that." I said. "So true." he replied. "We'll always be your family." said dad. "Yes." I replied.

I'm glad Lily is safe and her papa can't hurt her anymore.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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