You can't take my kid from me

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Adam's: POV

Jack held my hand to calm me down. "I'm just nervous." I said. "It'll go well." he replied and I gave him a smile. "Adam Benson" said Nadine. I walked in and lay down on a stretcher. She smeared cream on my stomach and I saw my child on the screen.

"I've good news

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"I've good news." said Nadine with a smile on her face. "What is it?" asked both me and Jack. "You're having a girl." she said. "That's wonderful." I replied happily. "Everything looks good, she's healthy and feel good." said Nadine. "That's good." I replied. Jack was so happy for me. "You'll be a wonderful dad to your daugther." he said. "Thank you." I replied with a smile on my face. We walked to a café on the way home. A guy went to us with a smirk on his face.

"Who are you?" asked Adam. "I can give you free drugs if you've sex with me." he said. "Leave me alone." I replied coldly. The guy showed us a note. "Hi, I'm cute and will have sex for a half-gram of coke. Call Adam at this number" "I'm not the one who wrote it. Someone is trying to frame me." said Adam.


Adam's: POV

Jennifer greeted me when I came home. I got out of the car and went to her. She gave me a envelope. I opened it and read it.

"The judge granted me full custody of Oliver. He also denied visitation rights." said Jen. "You can't take my kid away from me." I replied upset. "You can't take care of yourself." she said. "Don't do this to me." I replied and I was close to tears. "He'll live with me." said Jennifer. "You're a horrible woman." I replied coldly. She took Oliver and drove away.

"Dad." said Cookie. I ran to her and hugged her crying. "Shhh, I'm here." she said. "I thought I'd never see you again." I sobbed. "I'll never leave you, I promise." said Cookie. "I'm glad you're here." I replied. "Me too." she said.

I hate Jennifer

I hope you liked the chapter


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