Please save him

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Nadine's: POV

"I twisted my ankle when I did a trick with my skateboard." said Emily. "It has happened to me too." I replied. "It's so typical." she said. "I agree." I replied and she smiled.

"Take it easy these days." I replied. "I promise and thank you." said Emily. "No problem. She smiled and went out from the room. My colleague came shortly after.

"I need you in room 10." said Angela. "What has happened?" I asked. She bit her lip and she didn't how she should say it. "Angel, please tell me." said. She took a deep breath and looked at me. "Adam has taken an overdose. He's in coma and we don't know if he'll survive." replied Angela. "Take me to him." I said.

We went to the room and Adam was in a bed with an oxygen mask. I also saw cuts on his arms. Jack held his hand and he let the tears fall. "Live for me baby, please. I'll always love you." he said and kissed his forehead.

He hugged me and he couldn't hold back his emotions. "Please save him." he begged. "We'll do everything we can." I said. "Thank you." replied Jack. "I never betray my friend." I said and he smiled.


Jack's: POV

It felt very empty to come home without Adam. I was sitting on the couch with the girls. Lily hugged her DW doll. We watched Peter Pan together. I missed my family so much.

"Dad is in hospital and he's severely injured

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"Dad is in hospital and he's severely injured." I said. Esme started crying. I hate to see her like this. She miss her daddy so much,  what if she never see him again? I yawned and my eyelids became heavy. "Come home soon." I said and fell asleep.

My heart breaks for them

I hope you liked the chapter


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