Please save him

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Jack's: POV

I was at the hospital. We had to wait for several hours in the waiting room, but finally came a doctor. Before he could say anything, Adam came running. I saw the panic in his eyes.

"How's he? please don't tell me he's dead. I have to see Oliver." he said quickly. "His condition is unclear." said Nadine. Adam started to cry and I gave him a hug.

We went to the room and Oliver was in a bed with an oxygen mask

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We went to the room and Oliver was in a bed with an oxygen mask. He had many cords connected to his body. Adam was holding his hand and he let the tears fall. "Please live for me Oliver. I love you so much." he said. I hugged him and he couldn't hold back his emotion.

"Go back to home, I'll contact you as soon as something happens." she said. "Please save him." begged Adam. "We will do everything we can." said Nadine. "Thank you." he replied.


Adam's: POV

I was sitting on the couch with a photo album. I  looked at photos of Oliver and new tears filled my eyes. Jack sat down next to me.

"Sometimes parents and children fight. But they still love their child with all their heart." I said. "Oliver will survive." replied Jack. He's my child, I can't hate him forever." I said. Jack hugged me.


I hope you liked the chapter


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