Justin is looking at you

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Oliver's: POV

I was talking to my best friend. "Don't look, but Justin is looking at you." he said. I turned my head towards him and he gave me a smile. "So." he said. "So what?" I asked. "When are you going to ask him out?" asked Terry. "Are you crazy, he's the school's most popular guy, everyone wants him." I said. Felix gave me a look. "What?" I asked. "He likes you and you like him, why do you have to make it so complicated? he asked.

"How do you know he likes me?" I asked. "It's pretty obvious." he said. "Just forget it." I replied. "Fine." replied Felix. I sighed and opened my locker. I took my books and closed it. I was on my way to the English class when someome pushed me to the ground.

Everyone laughed, except for Justin and Felix.  "Oops, didn't see you." said Cookie laughing. "You're a loser." replied Robin and went after his brother. I felt how the tears burned, I haven't cried since papa died. Justin went up to me and stretched out his hand. I took it and he helped me up on my feet.

"Thank you." I said. "Are you okay?" he asked worried. I wiped away the tears and nodded. "I'm here if you want to talk." said Justin. "Thank you." I replied. "You're welcome." he said.


"Cookie just told me that you pushed him in school." said Adam. "I didn't, it was her who pushed me." I replied. "Go to your room and stay there. There will be no dinner for you." said Adam coldly. "Don't forget to clean my room." replied Jack. "Don't forget my room too." said Cookie. "The kitchen needs cleaning too." replied Adam.


Cookie's: POV

"To my princess." said dad and gave me a box. I opened the lid and picked up a beautiful red dress. "Thank you so much dad." I replied happily and hugged him. "You're welcome." he said. I saw Oliver and smirked at him.

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

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Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

I love evil Adam and Cookie

I hope you liked the chapter


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