My star 001

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No one's pov:

<June 5th, 2023>

"You fucking looser no one would care if their 'future star' just died."

"Lmao you said it this asshole is so stupid and annoying"

*bell noise idk*

"Haha bye looser" The first guy said as he flipped Tsukasa off and left the room with his friend. Tsukasa just sat there trying to keep a neutral face and not concern anyone around him. Though it took all his willpower and he couldn't hear anything. Tsukasa felt a hand on his shoulder and he jumped slightly. When he looked up he saw a familiar concerned face. (it's ourple guy😱🥶)

"Tsukasa, I heard what they said. Please don't believe them you mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do without you." Rui said as he looked at Tsukasa. Rui knew Tsukasa well enough to know Tsukasa wasn't 100% ok and wanted to stay with him when his pink haired friend came up to his class door.

"My god what is taking you so longgg. You promised we could go the the mall after class remember?" Mizuki said as they stepped into the class.

"Oh uh sure Zuki let's go. Just one second please." Rui said gently lifting off his hand from Tsukasa's shoulder. "Bye Tsu see you at the wonder stage today right?"

"Y-yeah! See you then!" Tsukasa was trying his best not to give in. Infront of Rui was bad enough, and infront of a stranger? He feel terrible to make them worried about him. After all he only has these panic attacks for attention why else would he have them. Even though he only had them while alone and made sure of that, it had to all just be for attention. (i feel like i'm projecting on Tsukasa but oh well.)

Tsukasa held his head in his hands that were propped up on the desk as he allowed himself to cry. But not much incase anyone saw him so they wouldn't be worried enough to help. Because Tsukasa didn't want to be a burden, if he was it meant he failed. (i'm totally projecting on him lol) As Tsukasa let his tears fall he heard foorsteps nearing the classroom. Shit He thought.

Rooi pov:

*when Rui left the class*

I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to Tsuksasa. As I headed to Mizuki I couldn't help but worry about him. I hope he's okay. He seemed to be putting up a mask for me and I'm sad I didn't get to take it off before I left. Mizuki and I had already been walking for a bit and were nearing the school exit when I went to grab my phone from my pocket. I was surprised when I was met only with fabric. I stopped my path.

"Oh shit hey I think I left my phone in class. I'll be right back you can stay here." I said as I turned around.

"Oki doki! Be quick I don't have all day 😒." Mizuki responded and turned to see Ena and go have a conversation with her. (Mizuena real <3)

As I neared the classroom I was a bit surprised to hear sniffles coming from inside. I stepped in and saw Tsukasa crying at his desk. My heart burned to see him like this. I'm sure Mizuki won't mind if I take a bit. I think I saw them talking to their girlfriend as I left anyways.

Tsukasa pov:

When I heard the footsteps get closer to me I started to panic even more. Shit shit shit shit what if its someone I care about and they feel the need to help me. At that point I am a burden. God why was I born when all I do is disappoint people.

"Tsukasa, are you okay?" Rui says as he crouched down to my face. I look up at him and his concerned face made my stomach swirl, but... in a good way? All these emotions at once were so much to handle.

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