Partayyyyy 004

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No one/3rd person pov

Rui and Tsukasa made it to Ichika's house and were just about to walk in when Rui stopped Tsukasa for a second.

"Before we go in... one more kiss kiss 😘" Rui made a kissy face and tsukasa did a fake sigh.

*sigh "I guess, but just one short one okay?" Tsukasa looked up at Rui.

"Awe you make it seem like it's such a burden to kiss your boyfriend tsu~" Rui said teasingly as he smiled.

"Gah- shut up!" Tsukasas face was a bit pink which Rui thought was adorable.

"Oh no it's fine I won't make you go through the pain of kissing me," Rui obviously knew Tsukasa wanted a kiss but went for the door when a hand stopped him.

"I iwannakiss..." Tsukasa said as he pulled Rui's hand away.

"Hm? You what? I didn't quite hear you~" Rui smiled and leaned down to Tsukasa. In return Tsukasa just gave Rui a A FUCKING PECK AUTOCORRECT JESUS CHRIST NOT A LECK. anyways... a peck on the cheek.

"Fufu~ someone's confident hm?" Rui smiled and lifted his head away from Tsukasa's.

"Shut up and let's go in already." Tsukasa was burning all over his face and could even feel his ears and back of his neck tingle.

"Awe alright~" Rui opened the door and was met with everyone.

"Guys look the other gays got here!" Emu smiled, stood up, and pointed at Rui and Tsukasa at the door.

"Emu my pillow..." Nene was a bit irritated that Emu had got up because her head fell down shortly after.

"Sorry Nene!!!! Ill come right back!" Emu did just that and sat back down.

"So how was your date Tsukasa?" Toya asked as he combs through Akito's hair.

"Date?? Haha guys I swear Rui and I are just close haha not dating!!! Hehe haha he he he" No one got the point of Tsukasa lying. They had all seen and heard them be gay there was no denying it.

"Fufu~ yeah super close friends ehe." Rui found Tsukasa's lies adorable as he was literally still holding his hand.

"You guys do realize you're literally holding hands right?" Kanade asked from the corner. And to that Tsukasa ripped his hand away.

"Hahaha what??? I swear I'm not gay!! I don't even know why i'm in that stupid gc anyways!" Tsukasa was digging his own grave at this point and everyone including Rui was extremely entertained.

"Oh the one you sent these in???" Mizuki pointed her phone to Tsukasa.

"I uh. Rui just braided my hair and I wanted a picture of it that's all!" Tsukasa scratched the back of his head and Rui just tried to resist from kissing him.

"Rui you really need to work on your braiding skills. I'm sure Mizuki taught you well but I can teach you better than whatever that is" Ena seemed to be inspecting the braid from afar.

"Yeah, I haven't braided anything in a while so I was still a bit rusty. I'm sure Tsu will let me test hairstyles on him right??" Rui smiled at his boyfriend and started playing with his hair.

"Eh? Of course love," Tsukasa had completely forgotten he was infront of anyone as he closed his eyes to Rui playing with his hair. But he quickly realized his mistake. "WAIT SHIT!!!" Tsukasa's eyes shot wide open.

Everyone was smiling. They already knew but it was funny seeing Tsukasa's face of realization.

"Well I guess cats out of the bag now," Rui smiled and took his hands off Tsukasa's head. "I guess that means I can do this without worry :3" Rui picked up Tsukasa bridal style and went to sit on the couch.

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