gays being gay (featuring blue haired gay) 012

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No pov/ 3rd person:

Tsukasa and Rui made it back to Tsukasas after quite a bit of childish arguments over Rui's dumb pet names.

"Fine call me whatever you want, just... not in public," Tsukasa was a bit embarrassed that he even was going to let Rui call him any dumb lovey pet names but it was for his beloved ourple guy.

"Horray! Oh looks like we are here, I'll see you tomorrow right, boo boo bear?" Instant regret washed over Tsukasa.

"Never mind no pet names." Tsukasa said as he pulled out his keys.

"Awe but you just said I could!!!" Rui frowned as he stood by Tsukasa.

"Rui. If you call me boo boo bear, pookie, baby girl, or kitten i'm going to kick you in the balls." Tsukasa lifted his keys to the door.

"Fine fine but," Rui grabbed Tsukasas hand that was going to the door, "Can I get a kiss goodbye, darling?"

Tsukasa paused for a second, god damn it why am I so gay for this mother fucker, *Sigh* "Fine, but only one. Okay?"

Rui was exited to say the least. He doubted Tsukasa would let him after those names. "Mhm!!!!" Rui hummed as he practically attacked Tsukasa with one big kiss. Like one you get from your old grandma. Rui kissed him for a few seconds and Tsukasa had to basically pry him off himself so he could move.

"Gah!! Alright alright that's enough!!" A very flustered Tsukasa said once he finally got Rui off him.

"Awe I want more kissies," Rui pouted a bit at his boyfriend who resisted giving into him.

"I said only one. And plus it's not like i'm leaving you forever. I'm gonna see you tomorrow and we literally spent the last two nights together... not that I wouldn't want to sleep with you every night," Tsukasa said the last part a bit quieter but Rui still heard it and he smiled.

"I would love to spend every night with you love. Being able to feel the warmth of you next to me helps me sleep even with my hm, unusual sleep scedule."

"Unusual? That's all? Rui, love of my life, your sleep schedule is fucked." Tsukasa paused for a second, "But i'm glad I can help you," Tsukasa lifted his hands to Rui's face and squished his cheeks a bit (that felt weird to type... don't take it out of context...)

Rui smiled and Tsukasa was able to see a slight tint of pink on his cheeks if he looked close enough. "That's not the only reason I want to sleep with you though, I could list all the reason-" Rui was cut off quickly.

"Nope! I have heard enough of your lists about me and I would like to go into my home with my loving sister without a beet red face. Sooo that means I have to leave now," Tsukasa spoke with haste and went back to unlocking his door.

"Fufu~ okay then my star, but could I at least get a hug?" Rui opened his arms expecting Tsukasa to happily agree.

"Nope!" Tsukasa said as he twisted his door knob and opened the door.

"But whyyy-" Rui was cut off with Tsukasa going inside and shutting the door on him. "HEY WAIT!"

The door infront of Rui opened and he smiled but went back to frowning when it wasn't Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa said that hes still mad about the names you called him and wanted me to relay his message. Bye ourple!" Saki said as she shit the door on him.

"Ugh rude, it was just some names 😒" Rui mumbled to himself as he turned to head back home, but him having nothing to do he decided to just walk around a bit before really going home. "Ugh first only one kiss then no hug, what a mean boyfriend," Rui kept mumbling random petty shit on his way back as he kicked any rocks he saw and could reach with his foot.

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