Cherrykasa 028

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i think it's pretty cool that i made that knight au fic before rui's white day card came out and it basically fits the au's people are making around the white day ruikasa cards but anyways i'm going to dc rn & the cherry blossoms are in full bloom so i'm super exited And i have pink hair so it'll match the blossoms :3 (the rest of the trip is gonna be extremely boring but oh well, i'll prolly write a bunch on the drive there & back)

<still in sekai>

"Meet at the park near my house?" Tsukasa said as he pulled out his phone.

"Mhm! I'll go straight there!" Rui hugged Tsukasa then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before they both paused the song.

<Park by Tsukasas house>

Tsukasa pov:

I sat on a bench waiting for Rui. The warmish breeze of early spring felt amazing non my skin and I closed my eyes to just feel the wind on me. Not too long after I felt like so was in sekai or something? It didn't feel like a dream but i wasn't in the real world. I opened my eyes and saw... me?

"Oh hey he's here!"

"Took you long enough."

"Oh don't blame him, he didn't know this existed."

"Bark! :D"

I wanted to say hello or something but I was quickly back to the real world when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck. (in a loving way not a im gonna strangle you way) I smiled and leaned into the touch thinking it was Rui.

"Hey Akari~" That wasn't Rui. Shivers went down my spine when I realized who it was. I immediately shot up off the bench and turned to look at her.

"What do you want." I crossed my arms and she just smiled at me.

"Oh nothing Kari, your dad just said something about you being gay now righttt?" I tried not to just curl up into a small ball hearing her godforsaken voice. And that name. God I hated it. It made me want to just crumble into dust but a star doesn't give up! So I stood my ground and tried not to let my straight face break.

"Ah! Kasa sorry im lake! My mom wanted me to-" I looked over at Rui who was practically running at me. He stopped when he saw my straight face; I don't think he ever sees me this serious often. "Tsu? Whos this?"

"Akari what is this random guy doing calling you Tsu or Kasa?" I think Rui realized somewhat what was going on by now because he stiffened.

"Tsukasa is his name. And who are you?"

"Im Askari's childhood best friend! Our dads wanted us to get married but Kari said no because we were both girls. But my dad recently talked to her dad and he said she was gay or something so I thought now we could get married like we were supposed to!"

"I see. So yes, Tsukasa is gay. No, he doesn't like women. Does that clear things up or do you want me to spell it out for you?" My stance softened when I knew Rui had my back. I definitely wouldn't have been able to tell her I changed my name...

"Uhm that makes no sense. You see Ak-"


"Ugh, Tsukasa is a girl and if youre gay and a girl you cant not like other girls."

"Oh my god! Chiyo. Im trans." Chiyo's face changed to descust when she heard me.

"Ew... Uh are you sure? You were really such a lovely gir-"

"You fucking heard him."

"Ok ok, but why would you choose to do that?"

"Its not a choice. Trust me if I could choose I would choose to be cis any day."

"Mk... well I have to go. Bye Aki and your weird friend... What is he your boyfriend?"

I smiled, maybe she will finally leave me alone if I tell her. "Yes, actually." I leaned onto Rui and smiled.

"Ew I hate straight guys. Yuck."

"Im not straight. I am 100% homosexual."

"But you're dating a gir- Whatever bye." Chiyo left and walked away. She looked like she was about to puke. I still felt horrible but slightly better. Rui gently warping his arms around me made me feel much better. I turned to hug him back. I felt so lucky to have him. Where did I even find such a great person?

"Thank you for having my back Rui,"

"Anything for you my star~" Rui rubbed my back a bit and we stayed hugging for a while. I pulled away and smiled.

"Cherry blossoms?"

"Cherry blossoms!" I took Ruis hand and we went closer to the sakura trees, "Theyre gorgeous. But I think youre prettier~"

"Tsk these trees are nowhere near as beautiful as you!" We went under a tree and Rui pulled me close and kissed me. We've kissed a million times before but this one felt even better than usual. "Thank you again, Rui."

"For what darling?" Rui's hands stayed holding my face as I held his waist.

"Just for everything. You have no idea how much you just still being here means to me. So thank you."

"Oh please. I should be thanking you for staying even though I do all these crazy things to you fufu~"

"I could never leave you." We hugged again and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you Rui."

"I love you too Tsukasa."


Stop being gay in public jesus

anyways im driving down to dc rn and i got the best seat in the car so fuck you jaskson (ik he doesnt even have wattpad or read fanfic but jesus christ hes annoying)

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