UNO!! 013

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hi baba grills i'm just wondering what u guys think of the story so far and what I should add<3 also what font do u guys read on? I change it sometimes but rn i'm using Baskerville with black background and white text. That's all for now bye <3333

3rd person/ no pov:

"I am not overdramatic!!!" Tsukasa said as he crossed his arms.

"Sureee," Kanade rolled her eyes.

"HEY! No one talks to a future star that way!" Tsukasa struck a pose. Saki giggled a bit, Toya stayed there admiring his 'brother' and Kanade couldn't help but exhale through her more in a laughing way.

"Fufu~ World future star, would you mind getting me a change of clothes," Rui said as he leaned on the railing a bit.

"Of course! A star never disappoints its guests!" Tsukasa went over to his closet to get some clothes for his bf. "Uh do you think these would fit?" Tsukasa turned over to Rui with some mismatched pajamas too big for him.

"Those should be perfect thank you~" Rui took the clothes and went over to the bathroom. The power had come back on so Toya, Saki, and Kanade we're back to watching tv on the couch together. Tsukasa smiled seeing his 'siblings' together and went down to watch tv with them.

He went down and sat next to Toya. "What show is this?" Tsukasa asked as he got some popcorn from Saki.

"Daughter of Evil," Saki replied, "Now shut up Allen's heads about to get chopped off."

"WHAT?!?" Tsukasa yelled.

"Uh spoilers!?" Kanade said as if she hadn't seen it 1000 times before.

"SHUT UP!" Soon after Saki yelled they heard a slice noise come from the tv. "I am your loyal servant 🎶" Saki sang along with the music from the tv.

"Oh are you guys watching the daughter of evil play?" Rui came down wearing clothes just a bit too tight for him, but it wasn't too noticeable or uncomfortable.

"Mhm! Have you watched it before?"

"No, but I know Nene likes it because I hear her blasting servant of evil all the time," Rui came over to the front of the couch, but there was no space for him.

"Do you want me to move over for you Rui?" Toya asked.

"No, I have a seat here," Rui went over to the edge Tsukasa was on and sat on the floor using Tsukasas legs as a back rest. No one really minded because they weren't being too gay in front of them. Everyone just watched, mostly in silence but Saki sang some of the lyrics. Tsukasa played with Rui's hair a bit and no one really talked, they were all focused on the musical. After a while (idk how long the play is) the play ended and everyone was still sitting there.

"What did you gays think of the play?" Saki asked as she turned over to Toya, Rui, and Tsukasa.

"I really liked the choreography to the first song," Toya said as he turned to Saki.

"The costumes looked amazing!!" Tsukasa said as he kept running his fingers through Rui's hair.

"I think the props looked interesting, the layout of the stage was also well designed." Rui didn't move his head, he didnt want Tsukasa to stop playing with his hair. "And Tsu didnt you promos me you'd show me how to sew as amazing as you do?" Rui lifted his head to lay it on Tsukasas lap a bit.

"Oh yeah! Ill show you the amazing works of this future star hahaha!!!"  Tsukasa took his hands off Rui to pose.

"Tsukasa is really good at sewing!" Saki explained "Ya know he makes most of the costumes for your shows right?" Saki added.

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