Sewkasa 015

852 5 105

fufufuck you :3 <3 (aimed)

3rd person:

"Alright Rui are you ready to have the most amazing looking Tsukasa plushie ever!!" Tsukasa pulled out his small-ish bin of sewing supplies.

"Im looking forward to it Tsuki~" Rui came over to sit on the floor next to Tsukasa.

"Sew- get what i did there?- where do you want to start?"

"Im not sure where to start, should we take it apart entirely and start from the beginning?"

"Hmm, I dont think well need to do that, but we will need to take apart the stitch that puts the two together, would you mind doing that while i look for fabric for a Rui plush?" Tsukasa handed Rui a seam ripper.

"Of course, anything for you, my star~" Rui went straight to cutting the stitch Tsukasa pointed out and Tsukasa went to his fabric bin.

"Rui Rui Rui, colors that are Rui... Oh perfect!" Tsukasa grabbed some purple, cyan, and uh rui colored fabric, "Now for the costume... Hey Rui do you want to wear your stage costume, normal clothes, or school uniform?"

"Hmm, the one I made of you is in your stage costume so if you have the fabric for it we should match!"

"Great idea, now darker purple, blue, green, gold, and (idk what other colors there's like a million)" Tsukasa just so happened to have all the colors he needed. He went back to their spot of the floor, fabric in hand.

"Andd I'm done taking out these stitches!" Rui took the two halves of Tsukasa apart, leaving just some stuffing and a voice box in a little pile.

"Scary, its not everyday you see two halves of yourself ripped apart," Tsukasa cringed for a second, "Anyways want me to show you how to use my sewing machine?" Tsukasa plugged in the sewing machine and put it on his desk.

"Yes please, I've never actually used one,"

"Its pretty simple here lemme show you on a scrap piece," Tsukasa went back yo his fabric bin and got a piece of scrap random fabric to use, "Alright to so start off *insert how to use a sewing machine, ik how to use one but aint no way im explaining it for no reason* like this" Tsukasa sewed a short line in the fabric.

"Okay, Mind if I try?"

"Ho ahead" Tsukasa got off the chair to let Rui sit. Rui went and sewed another small line in the fabric, "Perfect! You've got it down so fast! You're really a natural,"

"Its not really that hard haha," Rui blushed a bit at his boyfriend's praise. (help im gonna be skiing all day today starting at 11 and its... 4:50!?!??! I SWEAR LAST I CHECKED THE TIME IT WAS ONE WHAT)

"Yeah but it usually takes people a while to get the speed down. You've basically got it down perfect already," Tsukasa took the piece of fabric and cut off the loose string, "And you made it perfectly straight,"

"Thats surprising," Kanade said as she walked past Tsukasas room to the kitchen.

"Kanade I swear to god,"

"What? Are you telling me this mother fuckers straight? Cuz you know better than anyone that thats a lie," Kanade giggled a but, "Not that you can say much, gay ass."


"Awe you were straight the whole time? What a shame," Rui teased Tsukasa.


"Yeah i'll just leave you guys to your gayness bye."


"Im stating a fact?"

"You're damn right," Rui kissed Tsukasa to prove his point.


"youve literally been kissed by Rui a million times by now why are you freaking out?"

"Yeah, i've kissed you on the lips at least 8 times and in general at least 100"



"No he does not."

"Tsukasa you really should put your boyfriend of a leash or smth,"

"Maybe I should..."

"A leash would be perfect~ It would make sure im never very far away from him~~~~~~~"

"Nvm no leash,"

"Aweee but Tsuki dont you wanna be around me all the time?

"Yuck im leaving fr this time,"


"..." Kanade left tk go to her room.

"You make it sound like a chore to be around your boyfriend~"

"... Lets get back to sewing,"


"Im just kidding its not a chore to spend time with my favorite person," Tsukasa said as he planted s kiss on Ruis cheek and acted ooc because the author is too lazy to make up something im character.

<a lot of sewing and stuffing later>

"ANDDD DONE!!" Rui smiled and held up the Tsukasa plushie.

"You did amazing! It looks perfect!" Tsukasa stood up to look at the Tsukasa plush. He examined it for a second then gave it back, "It looks like you bought that somewhere! You did great at binding the strings,"

"You taught me haha,"

"Yea but it took me a week to get it right, you were able to di it first try,"

"Well thats because I have my amazing star to teach me," Rui hugged the Tsukasa plush tight tk his chest, "Its amazing but..." Rui pulled the real Tsukasa into his arms with the Tsukasa plushie, "The real ones better~"

"Gah- Rui I have a sharp needle in my hand!!" Tsukasa practically jumped off Rui.

<Meanwhile with Tsukasas mom>

"They really do love eachother huh," Tsukasas mom sat down on the couch next to Saki and Toya.

"Mhm, they really do. And weather or not you support them they still will," Saki said, "Not supporting Tsukasa wont do you any good. It will just drive him away from you."

"I guess so, haha its kinda funny that im getting advice from my first year daughter huh?"

"Anyone can give you advice, no matter how old they are. While its not always good you have to listen anyways or you wont be able to say you tried to be the best person you could."

"Thank you Saki, Ill think of your words. I guess I have a lot of reflection to do now huh?"

"Of course, everyone has to reflect in themself as often as they can,"

"I guess you're right. Well, Im off to do some research. If you need me Ill be in my room,"


Shorter chapter but whatever, imma be making a bunch soon cuz imma make them before chapter one cuz i <3 pre relationship awkwardness. Also cuz it looks like they just started dating outta no where bc it was originally a oneshot.

Until next time <333

(1106 words)

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