repost if youd silly the when 034

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i'm tired

yippie project diva super fun also i'm trash at it but that's fine


i must be rui kinnie becuase i had a horrible friend experience in middle school and also i'm madly in love with tsukasa tenma (a lot more reasons too tbh)

As Tsukasa sat in class he couldn't help but feel slightly dizzy at the thought of his practice. His role in the school play was one he was struggling with. There were also these people that... But if he's a star he must not let it get the best of him!


He must not.... Yet it is. There's not much he can do about it. He always feels like this because he doesn't do practices often. And plus it's usually Rui and him deciding who would be best for each role and Rui just always knew how to give Tsukasa the best role for him. How did he do that? Not once has Rui given Tsukasa a role that he didn't girlboss pussyslay malewife the shit out of.

Tsukasa laughed at his own joke which snapped him out of his trance. And apparently he lost his sense of hearing while he was thinking of Rui (which happens shockingly often) because when he snapped out someone was yelling at him.

Unfortunately it was the teacher and not Rui. Tsukasa had forgotten how strict this teacher was about rules and such. It was pretty annoying but whatever, now he was back to being nervous about the audition god damn it.

<After Class, Lunch>

"Ugh Rui you won't believe how mean Mr --- was to me!!" Tsukasa plopped down next to Rui and leaned his head on Rui's shoulder.

"Oh I've heard he's a mean teacher, what did he do to my precious star?"

"He yelled at me in the middle of class which was so embarrassing! I don't even have any friends in that class so people were judging me so much! Most people just know me as that kid that nearly blew up the school!"

"Ah I wonder how you got that title~ Anyhow I'm sorry he was so rude to you, what did he yell at you for?"

"I was trying to distract myself from the audition in class and i started thinking of you and aperently it made it do i couldn't hear because my brain was focused on you and so the teacher had asked me a question I didn't hear and- Ugh!"

"You got so dazed thinking of me~?"

"I mean how could i not? I only snapped out becuase of my amazing joke I told myself!"

"And that would be?"

"Unimportant. How has your day been?"


"How has your day been! :)"

"Uh pretty alright, I don't have any plans later so if you want to come over you can!"

"Ah I have rehearsal but after I can go straight to your place!"

"Are you sure? Last time you said that you passed out and I don't want my star to overwork himself," Rui turned to Tsukasa and culler his face in his hands.

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