Valentines Special 010

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3rd person Pov:

Rui wales through the school gates and was quickly spotted by his boyfriend running at him full speed. Rui just opened his arms and smiled.

"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY RURU!!" Tsukasa yelled as he had it into Rui's arms. Rui ran his fingers through Tsukasas hair and smiled.

"Happy Valentines love," Tsukasa pulled away and dug into his bag. Rui went into his and grabbed a bag. Tsukasa found his present and kept it in the bag.

"Here take mine first!!" Tsukasa shoved two boxes of expensive chocolates in his hands, three bags of soda candies, then a small box on top then a bouquet of lavender and yellow daisies is then on top of that 3 different platypus plushies. Rui tried his best to balance the huge pile of things Tsukasa have to him.

"Wow Tsu, it's... a lot." Rui said as he peeked his head around the mountain of gifts.

"Oh no do you not like it?? I'm sorry It's not much and it's really nothing-" Tsukasa frowned a bit.

"No! I love it!!" Rui cut off Tsukasa's anxious ramble, "But uh could you give me a hand putting some of this in my bag? I don't want to drop anything," Rui tried to pick up his bag with his foot while still balancing the gifts.

"Of course! Here lemme grab your bag for you," Tsukasa reached down and grabbed Rui's bag and opened it for him.

"Thank you~" Rui said as he somehow managed to get everything but the small box in. "I wonder what's in here..." Rui pulled on the purple ribbon tied to it then put his hand on the top. Tsukasa just stood there smiling eger to see the others reaction. Rui paused for a second to look at Tsukasa.

"JUST OPEN IT ALREADYYYYY," Tsukasa was basically shaking in excitement. Rui pulled off the top and smiled as he quickly attacked Tsukasa with a hug.

"Thank you so much this is so pretty Tsuki!" Rui gave Tsukasa a kiss on the cheek, "But not as pretty as you~" Rui started attacking the blonde with kisses all over causing him to turn red.

"Gah- okok I get it you like the gift, just stop were still in public you know!!" Tsukasa had to basically rip the other off his face. It kinda hurt because while he didn't want to admit it, he loved when Rui gave him kisses.

"Awe alright, lemme put these on then i'll give you your gift." Rui took the earrings and necklace out, admired them for a second then put them on. "These are gorgeous Tsu, where did you get them?"

"Oh I actually made them myself! I didn't tell you I started making jewelry because I wanted to surprise you with pretty jewelry so uh yeah," Tsukasa scratched the back of his head a bit as he spoke. Rui was resisting the urge to pounce in the other again but was somehow able to keep himself from doing so.

"Wow TsuTsu you've really outdone yourself," Rui looked down and fidgeted with the balloon and star charm. "Was this made with resin?"

"Mhm! I got a balloon charm and a star charm, then made a mold of the two together and used purple and yellow resin for the colors!! I also made molds of the balloon and star individually for the earrings," Tsukasa was delighted to talk about his process of making the jewelry. (he's just like me fr)

"Wow, you put in all that work for me? I'm honored to have the worlds future star caring about me so much~" Rui smiled as he teased Tsukasa.

*bell noise*

"Awe I didn't get to give you your gift yet tho!!" Rui frowned as he picked up his unzipped backpack and his gift for Tsukasa.

"That's ok! You can give it to me at lunchtime, I'll be waiting until then," Tsukasa hugged Rui and went on his tiptoes to give him a small kiss.

"See you then love," Rui ruffled Tsukasas hair a bit and turned to go to his class. Tsukasa smiled and went to his.

<Skip to lunch cuz i'm lazy>

Still 3rd person:

Tsukasa nearly leaped out of his seat when the lunch bell rang FINALLY he thought as he very aggressively power walked up to the roof where he was greeted by Rui.

"TSUTSU!!!" Rui stood up from the place in the corner he was sitting to greet his boyfriend.

"Hi RuRu!! How long have you been up here?" Tsukasa gave Rui a short hug as he spoke.

"Oh ehe I skipped class because I was exited BUTTT i made you this!!" Rui went over to his corner and grabbed what looked like a bouquet of flowers and something else Tsukasa couldn't see. Rui held the items behind his back as he walked back to Tsukasa.

"What's that paper noise?" Tsukasa tried to peek around Rui to see what he was hiding.

"Take a guess," Rui smiled and Tsukasa sat there for a second in confusion.

"Uh... A card?" Tsukasa was genuinely confused.


"Then what is it?" Tsukasa was trying his best not to get mad at Rui. Rui's smile widened as he moved his hand out from his back, revealing an extremely detailed bouquet of origami paper flowers. "OH MY GOD RUI HOW THE FUCK!"

"Fufu~ do you like them?" Rui handed the flowers to Tsukasa who very gently held them in his hands.

"Holy fucking shit balls you made this all in the last four hours?!?" Tsukasa looked up from the flowers to see Rui's pleased face.

"Mhm! I was pretty anxious about weather or not my gift would be enough compared to yours haha," Tsukasa just stared at Rui for a second before speaking.

"Rui Kamishiro. There is no gift from you I wouldn't like. Seriously, try me."

"Oh? Even if I have you a bug?" Rui teased Tsukasa.

"Ok i take my words back. Ick," Tsukasas face looked disturbed just thinking about those nasty creatures.

"Don't worry I wouldn't do something like that to you... I probably wouldn't anyways,"

"Rui. You wouldn't." Tsukasa spoke in a sharp tone. One Rui had never actually heard, which scared his a bit to be honest.

"Don't worry darling, I won't. Anyways are you ready to get your gift?" Tsukasa went back to his usual smile and he nodded aggressively. "Okay but first, my king needs a crown," Rui smiled and placed a white daisy flower crown on Tsukasas head.

"I got a bit bored after making the paper flowers so I made you a crown from the school garden's flowers!" Rui adjusted the crown on Tsukasas head a bit before handing Tsukasa the present. "Here you go angel," Tsukasa blushed a bit at the new petname and grabbed the bag. He opened it and took out a card first. When he opened the card he saw a drawing of an orange and purple cat making a heart out of their tails and some writing. 'For my beautiful star' It stated.

"Rui you've already put so much effort into my gift I can't even imagine what it could be," Tsukasa pulled out a mechanical divide from the bag. It was a miniature stage that replaced the wonderstage the two had performed on many times now. "Oh my god Rui this is so cool!!"

"Hehe thank you, and if you hit the star button here," Rui pressed the button and four little cardboard dolls pulled up from inside the stage. They started moving back and forth as some lights lit up and Sweet Magic played in the background. Tsukasa did little movements to dance to the song. He was in a trance by the small stage and Rui just watched. Once the song finished Tsukasa was smiling the widest Rui had ever seen.

"Rui this is so amazing!!" Tsukasa was almost buzzing in excitement as he set down the stage to hug Rui.

"I'm glad you like it Tsu," Rui hugged back and felt his heart explode a little bit.

"Wanna go to dinner later?" Tsukasa stayed hugging Rui and rested his head on the others shoulder.

"Of course love."


I kinda hate this but oh well that's all i guys are getting for now bcs it's 11:31 as i'm writing this so it's TECHNICALLY still valentines

(1394 words)

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