Omnomnom 016

824 4 125

3rd person/ no pov:

<June 8th, 2023>



Tsukasa opened his eyes and reached out to hit the stop button on his alarm. He turned over to face the sleeping director.

"Rui, you have to get up," Tsukasa started to run his fingers through Rui's hair.

"Mmh do I have to?" Rui tightened his grip on Tsukasa and buried his face in Tsukasas chest.

"As much as Id like to stay here forever we have school today,"

"Ughh schools dumb tho,"

"Yes I know, but my mom will kill me if I skip without a good excuse,"

"Ughh fineee," Rui painfully got off Tsukasa and the two got out of bed. Rui went through the bag his mom packed and got his uniform as well as his makup. "I'll just change in here, and don't worry i'll knock before I come back in" Rui said as he went to the bathroom.

"Alright, thank you," Tsukasa got his uniform and Rui close the bathroom door.

<small skip to after they're done changing>

*knock knock*

"You came come out," Tsukasa was all changed and was making sure all his school supplies were in his bag.

"I just wanted you to know I was done, I'm just putting on my makeup now,"

"Ohh can I watch?"

"Uh sure?"

"Yay! Be right there," Tsukasa put his backpack by the stairs and went into the bathroom, sitting on the stool by the wall. "So what are you doing exactly?"

"Right now I'm just putting on my usual red eyeliner but I think today I might wear some eyeshadow too," Rui paused to talk so he didn't mess up but went back to putting on his makeup after.

"...can you put some on me?"

Ruis face lit up seeing Tsukasa so shy about asking, "Of course, just one second," Rui wiped off a small smudge with a wipe then turned to Tsukasa, "So what do you want?" Rui kneeled down to be able to be at Tsukasas eye level.

"Uh whatever you want is fine haha," Tsukasa blushed a bit at Rui's golden eyes looking straight into his.

"Hm ok," Rui got his red eyeliner from the counter and opened it, "Try to keep your eyes open, I promise I won't get any in your eyes if you don't move." Rui put one of his hands on Tsukasas forehead and used the other to put on eyeliner. Tsukasa flinched when the brush hit his skin but tried his best to stay still. "Andd.. Done!" Rui moved out of the way so Tsukasa could see himself in the mirror and Rui stood next to him.

"It looks amazing," Tsukasa stared at himself in the mirror for a second, he wasn't really sure how to feel after he tried so hard to look masculine he was now em wearing makeup. Tsukasa stood up off the stool and stepped forward to the counter a bit.

Rui saw the look in Tsukasas eyes and went to give him a hug from behind, "Tsu, just because you're wearing makeup it doesn't make you any less of a boy," Rui gave Tsukasa a kiss on the cheek, "You'll always be the most handsome boy I know," Tsukasa went back to smiling confidently.

"Thanks Rui, youre really amazing," Tsukasa rested his dead on Rui's that was on Tsukasas shoulder.

"Not as amazing as the handsome star I'm lucky enough to be holding in my arms~"

"Hehe thanks," Tsukasa put his hand on Rui's head, some of his fingers poked through his hair, "And the makeup looks beautiful, you did a fantastic job."

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