Sleepykasa 026

697 10 51

The name it from a comment so ty ♥️

Once Rui made it home he took off his shoes and went into the kitchen. "Welcome home hun, I made dinner!"

"Oh yum what did you make?" Rui said as he sat down.

His mom set a bowl of soup infront of him, "Misō soup! And dont worry yours has no vegetables," Ruis mom went over to the seat next to Rui and sat down with her own bowl.

"Thank you for the food,"

"You're welcome," Rui and his mom then started eating.

"How have you been mlm? I feel like I never hear about whats going on with you. I guess I get pretty carried away talking about inventions and such hehe,"

"Im glad you asked, I was just about to tell you that I started dating that girl from my baking class. Know that this doesn't affect our relationship ok? I promise I'm going to make sure she has kind intentions before I take her anywhere near you,"

"I'm glad you told me! Is she nice? What's she like?"

"Ah well her name is Anne (yw bbg) and she has a really sweet smile and she always helps me when I struggle with anything. She really just is perfect in my eyes but I want to make sure she's not deceiving me because I don't want her to all the sudden become a different person when she meets you."

"Anne hm? Well I'm really happy for you mom, she seems like a perfect match for you from what i've heard. I can also tell you really like her,"

"I really do, but I promise you that this doesn't hurt our relationship. I wouldn't let anything damage that."

"I understand mom, well I'm done with my soup so i'm off to go to bed. Goodnight mom!" Rui got up and rinsed out his bowl.

"Night honey!" With that Rui went to his workshop in the garage (let's pretend rui has a room and workshop:))

"Hmm what to make..." Rui was looking around for some inspiration when his phone went off. TSUKI YAY


Tsuki: Hey Rui! I just wanted to ask if you wanted to facetime?

Me: Sure!!

I wasted no time to call him, it made me so happy when he called and he's always able to give me some inspiration. Which I was lacking.

"Tsuki!!!" Rui propped up his phone against a random robot and made a heart with his hands.

"Hi Rui!" Tsukasa set his phone down too and made a hear with his hands.

"Fufu~ So any reason you wanted to call?" Rui and Tsukasa both set their hands back down.

"Do I need a reason to talk to my boyfriend?"

"No, but you usually text or just normally call me. Oh how was your dinner by the way?"

"It was ah pretty... ok,"



"Do you mind sharing?"

"Yeah one second though,"

"Alrighty," Tsukasa walked off camera and I heard some random clothing noises. After a few minutes he came back with mini robo rui and Rui's cardigan on.

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