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"Rui we need to talk," Rui turned around and saw Tsukasas mom.

"About what Ms. Tenma?"

"My son and you, how long have you two been... you know."

"Dating? We started dating a few days before you saw us so about 3 and a half weeks now. Do you need anything else?"

"Hm, I just want to know, Rui do you make him happy and does he make you happy?"

"I like to think I make Tsukasa happy, I try my best. And yes Tsukasa makes me extremely happy, he's like a ray of sunshine in my life."

"I see... So, and I'm sorry to have to ask you this, but how should I get Tsukasa to trust me? You know him a lot better than I do if i'm being completely honest. After all these years i've hurt him so much and I'm just now seeing that. I don't know what to say to him to try and make him know that I'm now able to love him unconditionally, like how I should have done before. Like a mother should love her child."

"It might take a while to get him to trust you, and it will take a lot of work but my biggest advice is to just try. That's all it takes to start to gain his trust. Im sure when he sees how hard you're trying to become a better person he'll know you've really changed."

"Thank you Rui, and don't hurt Tsukasa please. I can tell he really depends on you for stability and I want the best for Tsukasa."

"I promise I will never do anything to hurt Tsukasa. He means the whole world to me, I don't know what I would do without him." Some small sniffles came from the stairs behind Tsukasas mom and the two looked at what the noise was coming from. Tsukasa was sitting on the top stair holding his Rui plush and crying. "Ah you're awake," Rui went over to Tsukasa to comfort him and Tsukasas mom just stood there watching them.

"Mom, I..." Rui sat next to Tsukasa and out his hand on Tsukasas back, lightly rubbing it.

"Tsukasa, I'm sorry. I see what I did before and how it hurt you and I'm glad you were able to find someone to make you happy. I feel terrible for the things i've done and said and if there is anyway for me to make up for the time i've lost with you and the care you needed but didn't get Ill do it because I don't want you to hate me." Tsukasa was in tears from his moms words, happy tears maybe? Even he wasn't sure at this point. Rui hugged Tsukasa and Tsukasa hugged him tight. "And you don't have to answer me now. I understand it might take a while before you are able to forgive me. For now i'll be in my office if you need me. I love you Tsukasa."

With that Tsukasas mom left and went into her office, leaving Rui and Tsukasa alone. Tsukasa was still burried in Rui's chest crying. He didn't know how to feel about everything that just happened. He wanted to forgive his mom but could he? That was what he didn't know. That was what he desperately wanted to know.

"It's ok Tsukasa, you don't need to know all the answers now," Rui said as if he could read Tsukasas mind.

"Thank you Rui, haha it's like you read my mind." Tsukasa pulled out of the hug and looked at Rui. Rui cupped his face and smiled at him.

"Pfft I always feel like you're reading my mind, I guess we just know each other too well huh?"

"I guess so," Tsukasa leaned into Rui and gave him a quick kiss. "It's only 6 and i'm not too tired anymore soooo do you wanna watch a movie or play a game or something?"

"Sure! Wanna play minecraft?"

"Minecraft? I mean sure I haven't played since Saki and I were kids though,"

"That's alright I'll get you anything you need, you can just stay home and relax~"

"What No! I wanna go out too!" Tsukasa and Rui got up to set up Minecraft. Rui and Tsukasa sat right next to each other at the foot of Tsukasa's bed, Tsukasa was leaning on Rui a bit as Rui opened
Minecraft. Once the two logged in they made a new world and Rui named it 'Out Future Home <3' "Future home hm? I've never really thought of when we move in together..."

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