Sickasa 018

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<after a few weeks of them dating>

Rui's pov:

<June 23rd, 2023> (idk why i made the school year end so late oopsie)

Hmm Tsukasa isn't as school. I wonder if it's anything serious because he said his mom usually doesn't let him skip. I guess i'll text him after class.

<after class>

Rui pulled out his phone and texted Tsukasa.


Me: Why aren't you at school today my star?

Tsuki: Oh, sorry Im sick today. It's not horrible though, I'm not in the hospital.

Me: Awe ok feel better 💗💞💓💖💘💕

Tsuki: Thank you Rui <3

Me: <333

Hmm maybe I should make him some kind of get well present.. Oh I know!!



Me: Hey Saki, I was just wondering if you could make sure Tsukasa takes a nap around 4. I have a little surprise for him and I don't want it to be spoiled.

SAKII: Yeah ofc!! Mind if I ask what you're planning?

Me: Ofc not! I'm planning on making him a little balloon garden and decorating his floor with balloon flowers. I could use your help to set them up if you're up for it. Do you think he'll like it?

SAKII: Oh he'll love anything from u. And yeah I'll help set up

Me: Perfect! See you at 4!!

SAKII: Yep bye! ☆

Rui got off his phone and went back to eating his lunch and talking to Nene. Soon after the bell rang and he went to class.

<after school>

Rui made his way home and started making lots and lots of flower balloons. It took about two hours but Rui had finally made 88 (88彡☆ ref <3) balloon flowers and put them all in a large bag along with some painters tape. It was nearing 4 so Rui got up to leave his house.

"Bye mom, I'll be back later I'm just visiting Tsukasa!"

"Oh Rui could you bring him some of these?" Rui's mom handed him a bag of macrons. "It's my first time trying this recipe of macrons and I want to know if I did it right,"

"I'm sure he'll love them! Love you mama bye!"

"Bye sweetie!"

With that Rui went out the door with his bag of balloon flowers and a bag of macrons for Tsukasa. Once he got there he didn't knock on the door incase Tsukasa heard and he saw Saki.

"Hey do you have everything?" Saki whispered as she got oof her seat on the couch.

"Mhm, I have some macrons too want one? My mom made like 7."

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