Kasaverse 030

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Should I start keeping the concept at the beginning of the chapter? Because I usually write it before I write the chapter itself so I don't forget while i go to school or to bed but i usually delete it. Anyways here's it for this chap :)

Rui finds out abt kasa verse, he is very exited; but also overwhelmed with gay panic (seeing his bf all over)

Jesterkasa: Represents the things tsukasa wants to say but can't. little bitch. We love him for that tho

Dragonkasa: Represents tsukasas interests besides being a star. he's our little twinkie winkie. We also love him for it too. He gives short and always pissed off vibes idk

kingkasa: Represents tsukasas anger/temper. Hes so fucking sick of everyone atp especially jesterkasa andd his dog

starkasa: represents tsukasas wants. he has no clue whats going on like ever but its ok bcs he's pretty

monster kasa: represents tsukasas childhood. basically just the family dog. We love him for it tho hes great

bakerkasa: represents tsukasas love; rui, obsessed with rui, did i mention rui? he really likes rui

i'll add more if i want to but yeah

Rui amd Tsukasa were now walking back to Ruis house because Rui wanted to show him something. "So! Wanna know what I was working on the other night?"


"So, basically I was bored and I needed inspo so when you called me it game me an idea... What if I looked in your brain!"


"You heard me! In your brain. I wanna know what goes on up there you know?"

"Uh yeah but how does that even work? Like I dont think thats even possible..."

"Its really cool! Basically *insert a lengthy explication oh how it works with a bunch if fancy words n shit* And the best part is you can even go in my mind too!" Rui walked up to the door and unlocked it with his key and opened it, stepping aside for Tsukasa to go in.

"Thats really cool. I still dont know how thats physically possible and how of all people a high schooler found out how but hey thaf makes my boyfriend pretty cool huh?" Tsukasa and Rui took of their shoes and went to Ruis workshop in the garage.

"Aha thanks," Rui pulled out a weird looking device, it looked like something you would see in a weird science movie but then again most of the things Rui makes does so Tsukasa didnt question it. "One small thing~"

"Wha- OW!" Rui plucked a piece of hair from Tsukasa and put the tip with his dna on it to a part of the machine.

"Sorry darling, I just needed this but now i'll be in your head more than I usually am hm?"


"Mhm~ Alright I'll be back in the real world in thirty minutes but if you want me out just hit this button."

"Alright, uh stay safe!"

"Oh Tsu is your mind scary?"


"Oh... Tsukasa are you ok with me exploring even those areas because of you aren't I won't."

"Uh for now try to stay away from any childhood memories or... The stage. You'll know if you see it. Try to stay away, it's not very visitor friendly..."

"I understand you wanting to keep that private. Just know if or when you ever want to share those things i'm here."

"Thank you, Rui." Tsukasa and Rui hugged for a minute and Rui pushed the bottom putting himself in Tsukasas mind.

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