poor little tsucaca 014

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you saw the title, our poor little star :( also Tsukasa is trans in this fic bcs i hc him as trans masc so yeah <3

TW: Slurs, like a lot of them, Homophobia, Transphobia, tears, lots of tears, panic attack

Quick note, I am able to reclaim the t-slur and f-slur but I am only comfortable reclaiming slurs i've been caked so Ill only reclaim the f-slur

Tsukasa's pov:

shit. shitshitshitshitshitshit she saw. I cant think of an excuse. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Tsukasa." My mom had a stern tone. One I never wanted to hear again, "Tell me now." I could hear her talking with clean he'd teeth.

"Hello ma'am, Tsukasa was just warming up my cold hands. You can feel how cold they are for yourself if you want," Rui put his hand out to my mom and she snatched it.

"Okay sure your hand is cold but why the fuck was my son holding it."

"I told you he was just warming it up,"

"I dont beleive that. Tsukasa Temma if I find out that not only are you a *t-slur* but you're a faggot too you're going to be in big trouble. Its bad enough you disgraced our family by me letting you transition but if anyone at church or god forbid anyone in your fathers family finds out you're a faggot you're dead. Got it?"

I clenched by fists and nodded, holding back tears. I just hope she lets Rui still be around. I dont know how I could live without him.

"Ms. Temma, I azure you if we were dating my mom would know, im not a nasty faggot and if Tsukasa is I wouldn't be his friend. You can even ask my mother if you want, she should be coming here soon so give me things to stay the night." As if on que Ruis mom pulled into the driveway and onto the porch.

"Hi honey, here's your backpack and here's a bag with your school uniform and your makeup," Ruis mom went to Rui and handed him the bags. God I wish she could be my mom, shes so nice.

"You wear makeup?" My mom seemed mad about Ruis makeup and she crossed her arms, "And you say you're not a faggot. Im going to have a talk with your mother." With that my mom closed the door. Anxiety filled me and I desperately wanted to cry and hug Rui, but I knew it was too much of a risk to do that with my mom on the other side if the door so I just stood there, fists clenched at my sides, holding back tears.

3rd person:

"Thats your son if Im not mistaken?" Tsukasas mom said as she turned to Ruis mom.

"Yes Im Rui's mother, what would you like to talk about?"

"Listen I dont know if you know this but i think your son might be uhm gay,"

"Okay? Whats the problem with that?"

"I think your son and my son are dating, and I wanted to make sure you knew if your son was one of those people"

"Rest assured our sons aren't dating, My son and I have a close enough bond that if he was dating anyone or even had a crush on anyone he would most likely come to me for advice. If my son were to date a boy or a girl or even someone with a different gender identity I would be fine with it and love him either way. The number one priority i have is my sons happiness and I think you should put yours higher on your priority list because the words I heard you calling him were unacceptable and you should not treat anyone like that." (she ate and left no crumbs)

Tsukasas mom didnt know what to say, she realized how horrible she treated her son.

"Ill have a talk with Tsukasa. Thank you ms Kamishiro, I'll think about the advice you gave me."

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