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i didn't know what to call this so take that shitty title

The beginning part is Rui pov but it changes to third person pretty fast:

<June 6th, 2023>

I feel Tsukasa start to move in my arms. "Morning love," I say as I tighten my grip on his waist.

"Oh, I was trying not to wake you haha," Tsukasa turned to face me and I just gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I cup his face with my hands and give him another cheek kiss. Then another on his forehead, then about 20 more all over his face before I pulled away and stared at him for a while.

"W-What was that for!?!" Tsukasa was bright red and a bit stunned.

"Oh just you being here makes me happy~" Rui brought Tsukasa into another tight hug. "I love you Tsukasa."

Tsukasa somehow turned even redder and just hugged Rui tighter. "I love you too Rui..." Tsukasa whispered into Rui's ear.

The two of them stayed like thy for a few minutes when Tsukasa realized they had show practice today.

"Uh Rui do you mind if I check the time really quick?" Tsukasa asked.

"Go ahead love," Rui loosened his arms a bit so Tsukasa could turn over.

"Oh fuck it's 11:32!" Tsukasa nearly jumped out of bed.

"And?" Rui was disappointed that he didn't have a Tsukasa to hug anymore and he just held out his arms on the bed.

"Ichika said we should leave at 12 ANDD we have practice today at 12!" Tsukasa rushed around but quickly realized he didn't have anything as they only left the house with the intent of a beach date.

"That's fine we can just go over to my place to change, I have some hoodies you can borrow and probably some small pants," Rui sat up and rubbed his eyes and realized he hadn't taken off his makeup from yesterday yet. "Oh, I'm gonna go see if anyone here has makeup wipes be right back Tsuki!"

With that Rui left the room and Tsukasa went to check his messages. He was calmly reading over the Hoemo messages when [Rui💛: I'd rather have someone else in this gc fuck me thanks for the offer tho <3] Tsukasa's face turned red as he typed. *insert all the stuff that was said in the gc in the last bonus* Tsukasa tackled Rui to the floor and they both fell.

"Oh? Are you taking my offer?" Rui giggled in a teasing way and Tsukasa shot up.

"NOPENOPENOOOOENONONOPENOPIES" Tsukasa.exe has crashed. Tsukasas gay panic noises were cut off by Rui giving him a small and quick kiss.

"I know love, you don't need to do anything you don't want to," Rui had his hands on Tsukasa's hair slightly stroking it. Tsukasa has seemed to go to stage two of gay panic: internally fucking exploding. Rui gave Tsukasa a miss in the forehead and smiled. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah lemme go grab the blanket first," Tsukasa was pulled out of his gay panic and back into reality. Once he got the blanket the two said goodbye to l/n and left.

"Can I hold your hand Kasa?" Rui offered his hand out and Tsukasa gladly took it in a heartbeat.

"How could I say no to this cute face," Tsukasa pinched Rui's cheek with his free hand and they went back to walking.

"We're here!!" Rui took a key from inside a star shaped vase and unlocked the door. "Make yourself at home you've been here already like a million times haha," Rui and Tsukasa went inside and to Rui's room.

"Is... is that a plushie of... me?" Tsukasa went over to Rui's bed and picked up the small plushie. "Where did you get this?" Tsukasa looked back at Rui who was a bit pink and scratched the back of his neck.

ruikasa bc skrunklies (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now