Fufu~ 025

813 11 202

"Ok, ok. Rui, I have to go home. I don't want to be late to dinner!" Rui lifted his face away from Tsukasa's. 

"Oh fine..:( but one more? For the road~" Rui kissed Tsukasa on the lips for a few seconds and finally let go of him. "Can I walk you home love?"

"Sure, I don't think it's going to rain so you'll be all good!"

"Hey, you never let me go without any counters. Whats different about today?"

"Well you're obviously very clingy today..."

"I am not clingy!"

"Rui. You carried me all the way home then wouldn't stop hugging me until the homework was finished then cuddled me for ten minutes then went to inventing then want back to cuddling me for nearly half an hour. Oh and you just got done with giving me nearly 100 kisses WHICH YOUVE DONE TO ME LIKE FIVE TIMES AT THIS POINT."

"I don't see the problem? I'm normally cuddling and kissing you."

"Not to the point where even now you went back to hugging me!" Tsukasa squeezed his eyes shut and Rui opened his wide when he realized he naturally started hugging Tsukasa from beging again.

"Well, in my defense you are very cuddleable and huggable." Rui kissed Tsukasa on the cheek again. "Not to mention kissable~"

"Mhm, I don't think I can get home with you dragging me behind." Tsukas tried to cover how much he was blushing with his voice. But unfortunately for him, Rui had eyes.

"Oh man then can I carry you home?" Rui picked up Tsukasa before he could answer.

"Is it really a question if you'll do it anyways?"

"Nope~" Rui opened his door and went out to the door. "I'm taking Kasa home,"

"Alright, be careful carying him all the way home fufu~" Rui's mom said from the kitchen.

"I will don't worry." Rui got his shoes on, still holding Tsukasa. (Like i've said before, don't question the ways of the gay.) And grabbed Tsukasas shoes. "Can I put them on? Pleaseeee~"

"Why do you want to put my shoes on so bad!"

"Because I want to treat my star like the prince he is, and a prince doesn't put on his own shoes does he? He also doesn't walk on his own because he's too pretty and perfect to not be carried like the royalty he is~"

"A star isn't royalty!"

"Fine, is it so bad I want to treat my perfect prince like royalty?"


"So yes shoes?"

"Nope." Tsukasa snatched his shoes out of Rui's hands and put them on.

"Aw Tsuki you're so mean!"

"I'll be as mean as I want. I'm not letting you put on my shoes."


"How in the hell did you just :3 frown?!?"

"Language Tsu~"


"Oh looks like we have to go so we're not late hm?" Rui opened the front door and started walking them to Tsukasas house.



"That's actually not physically possible too..."

"Aren't you impressed your boyfriend can do the impossible~"

"Impressed may not be the right word... more like concerned."

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