Sing to me? 020

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Rui had now left Tsukasas house and was nearly home. He walked up to his door and took the key out of the star vase and walked inside.

"Welcome home Rui! How is Tsukasa doing?" Rui took off his shoes and came into the living room to sit next to his mom.

"He's alright, he was a bit tired when I came but he took a nap and we played some games. His mom also apologized to him so I think their relationship will start to heal. I'm really happy for him."

"It's great to hear that my advice to Ms. Tenma was taken. How did Tsukasa react?"

"I don't think he knew how to take it. He cried but I don't think either of us know if it was tears of you or just tears. Either way I'm really glad she apologized to him. Now they can at least start their path to trust."

"I agree, what Ms. Tenma did in the past was unacceptable behavior of a mother and I'm glad she's realized that."

"Also Tsukasa says your macrons tasted amazing."

"I'm glad he like them, they're surprisingly hard to make. But it was a good experience to have."

"Do you think you'll ever reopen grandmas bakery? Or even get a new one,"

"I've actually been thinking about that a lot recently. What do you think? I'm fairly sure no one is using the building your grandma had for her bakery anymore."

"I think if it sounds like the right move and it won't hurt us go for it! Shoot for the stars, as Tsukasa says."

"Hm, you're right! I'll shoot for the stars haha!"

"I'm sure it will turn out great. Your baking is amazing after all."

"Oh thanks Rui. Tell Tsukaaa I appreciate the compliment on my baking. Also tell him I hope things go well with his mom."

"I will, see you tomorrow night mom."

"Night Rui, try to get some sleep today ok?"

"I'll try my best." Rui got off the couch and went to him room and text Tsukasa.


Tsuki: Did you get home safe?

Me: Mhm my mom says thank you for the compliment on her baking and also she hopes things go well with your mom

Tsuki: Your mom is so nice to me haha tell her I said thank you when you get the chance

Me: I will, anyways you should get some rest Tsuki I don't want you being exhausted in class tomorrow

Tsuki: I would but i just found out rui plush's voice box isn't working anymore!! :((

Me: Oh no, I'll fix it tomorrow. For now do you want me to sing to you on call?

Me: Tsuki?

Tsuki: Oh sorry about the wait haha just uh had to go to the bathroom yep!!

Me: I'll believe your lie~

Me: Do you want me to sing to you though?

Tsuki: sure

*incoming call from ✨❤️🧡💛☆彡☆Tsuki☆彡☆💚💙💜✨*

(on call)

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