Frecklekasa 023

758 7 139

<March 21st, 2024>

(in class)

"Alright and if you put 69 to the power of 420..." The teacher blabbed on about random powers and factors and shit like that. Rui couldn't care less, why? Because it was sakura season!! He stared outside at the blooming trees, face resting on his palm, and tuned out the teachers words. He only slapped back to reality when his shoulder was tapped.

"Ruiiii!" Rui looked up at the person calling him a bit annoyed but he quickly lit up when he realized who it was.

"Tsuki!" Rui lifted his head up and put his arms out to Tsukasa, who gladly embraced him.

"Rui were you even listening to anything the teacher said?!" Tsukasa said as he left Rui's arms, causing the taller to frown.

"Uh yeah!"

"Mhm, so you know we're doing a partner paper now..?" Tsukasa crossed his arms.

"Pfft yeah I knew that!"

"Yeah sure. You need to get better sleep so you don't zone out in class!"

"It's not my fault algebra is boring!!"

"Rui. That doesn't excuse you going to bed at 4 am."

"You're so mean to me Tsuki! And here I thought you loved me~" Rui crossed his arms, pouted, and turned his head away. "I guess I was wrong," Rui fake sniffled and wiped away imaginary tears.

"Oh shush!" Tsukasa pushed Rui a bit and went to go get them a paper.


"Now we didn't have anytime to start the paper!" Tsukasa put the paper away in his folder and Rui just giggled.

"Oh no what a shame! I have to spend more time with my boyfriend after school! What a tragedy!" Rui slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Oh please," Tsukasa picked up his bag and the two left class holding hands. (omg they have algebra 6th hour just like me 😍😍)

"So mine or yours for the homework?"

"Uh let's go to your house, I haven't seen your mom in forever and I wanna know what she's up to!"

"Oh speaking of my mom I think she has a crush on her friends in her baking class! I'm so happy for her really. She hasn't been this happy about someone not related to her in a long time."

"I'm glad to hear she's doing well! She is really too kind for helping my mom like that... She didn't have to."

"Nonsense! Your mom needed someone to put her in her place. She can't treat someone so handsome like that!!" Rui leaned over to Tsukasa and kissed his head.

"I'm still grateful. I just don't think she had to do that for someone she doesn't even know very well yk?"

"Doesn't know very well?! My mom knows you almost as well as she knows me! I swear I talk about you so much she probably even knows about your star plush with Tsukasa embroidered on it. I talk about you so much."

"W-why do you talk about me so much to your mom!!" 

"Because most of the time all I think about is you and when my mom asks if there's anything in my mind it's you so I tell her. I don't want her to think I don't trust her or for her not to trust me."

"Wait what do you tell your mom about me!"

"Everything I think about you and everything I love abot you. Well most of the things about you..."

"Eh? What can't you tell her!?"

"Just things I don't think she'd want to know. Like how whenever I kiss you on the lips you flinch a bit. And when you go to kiss me you close your eyes before even going in to kiss me~"

"W-What!?! You noticed that?!?!"

"Mhm~ You name it I noticed it. Like how you have freckles but cover them and it makes me so mad because you wear your foundation even when you sleep!!!" Rui stopped to look at Tsukasa and Tsukasa in turn stopped too.

"Ah uh f-freckles?! I don't have freckles!!"

"Oh yeah? So you wouldn't mind if i got a make-up wipe out right now and wiped off your foundation?!" Rui was now slightly frustrated, he hated that suck a pretty person would hide such a pretty feature of their pretty face.

Tsukasa wasn't scared of Rui like many others were but angry Rui was a complete other story. To keep it simple, angry Rui scared the shit out of Tsukasa. "Ehe Uh yeah! This star has nothing to hide!"

"Mhm..." Rui took off his bag and went in to get a makeup wipe.

"W-Wait you're really getting one?!?"

"Well you said you had nothing to hide~" Rui found the pack of makeup wipes in his bag and took one out. He had just started lifting it up when Tsukasa interrupted him by putting his hand on Rui's.

"...Fine, I have freckles." Tsukasa sighed and looked away, "I know they're ugly. I hate them. I've been covering them up since middle school, I'm sure you think they're ugly too. I didn't want to tell you because, I was scared you would think I looked descusting."

Rui just froze, stunned. "Tsu, I don't care you have freckles. If anything I think they look really pretty actually~" Rui cupped Tsukasas cheeks and kissed them. "So can I please take off that makeup? I don't want you to feel like you have to cover your beautiful face."

"Okay... Are you sure no one will make fun of me for it though?" Tsukasa looked slightly up to Rui and into his eyes.

"I'm sure, my star." Rui was sure, and if anyone dared to harm Tsukasa at all he would shove dynamite so far up their- Anyways... Rui took the make-up wipe he was still holding and started to wipe off the foundation on Tsukasas cheeks. He couldn't help but smile being able to see Tsukasas true beautiful skin. Once Rui had fully wiped off his foundation he cupped Tsukasas cheeks again and just stared at him.

"Hey what's that for!!"

"What? Me admiring you? Is it so bad to admire my handsome star~" Tsukasa ripped out of Rui's hands and covered his face with his own hands. "Oh what's wrong my star? You don't like when I admire you~?"

"It's not that! It's- were still in public..."

"Alrighty, then I'll get you home as fast as possible so I can admire you all I want~" Rui happily picked up Tsukasa.

"AH RUI!!" Tsukasa lifted his hands off his face and around Rui's neck, bringing him closer to the other. "Rui put me down this instant!" Rui completely ignored Tsukasa and kept walking home as fast as possible.

Akito Pov:

I was just walking now home in peace with my amazing charming dashing gorgeous handsome beautiful hubby (toya) when I heard familiar screams from afar.


"Is that Tsukasa?" I looked over across the park and sure enough. Tsukasa and his insane boyfriend.

"Ha looks like it is," Toya laughed a bit and we went back to walking.

"Hey did Tsukasa look like he had freckles to you? I know he was far away so I'm not sure. I just know you know him better than me."

"It looks like he stopped hiding them. I'm glad,"

"I had no clue he had freckles! Or that he covered them."

"He's had them for a while, he just covers them day and night with makeup."

"Huh? I thought its not healthy to wear makeup to bed?!"

"It's not. That's why I'm so glad he's not."

"Hm, pretty cool!"



I barely know what akito and toya act like so if that was ooc i would know lol anyways idk if i said I would post everyday or every other day but it looks like i'll be able to get a chapter out every other day. Love u guys byeeee 🫶🫶🫶

(1324 words)

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